Università degli Studi di Milano
I am a Assistan Professor (RTD-A) at the Computer Science Dept. of the University of Milan. I'm member of CONNETS Lab My current research interests focus on resource allocation in MEC/FOG-computing environments and mobile services to support autonomous and remote driving.
Curriculum vitaeMy current research interests focus on the 5G communication networks and MEC/FOG-computing and spans the different aspects of the anticipatory networking: (i) Extraction of spatio-temporal behavior of mobile users through the analysis of mobile network datasets (ii) Mining and prediction of network/service resources utilization (iii) Optimal placement of network/service resources in the mobile operator network (core and edge).
My previous research focused on the design and evaluation of routing protocol for opportunistic networks, and the analysis of communication pattern and social interactions of mobile users.
Università degli Studi di Milano
Università degli Studi di Milano
Università degli Studi di Milano