Xdev has an interface builder and an interpreter based on a subset of C with some extensions. These two elements support the development of a graphical interface as well as the code for the model of the simulation and the response of it to user interactions.
The program can run in interpreted mode for the development and testing phase, but also faster and independent executables can be generated. Using dynamic linking, Xdev also provides hooks for the more experienced programmers to include their own functions.
The whole system is extensible for new widgets and libraries, and is site and user customizable.
The system is provided with some new widgets devoted to the display of scientific data in 2 and 3 dimensions, as well as new input widgets.
It also speeds up the development of the interface and the assignment of callbacks (or responses to user interactions) and the setting of a periodic process, which makes it useful also for expert programmers.
As a prerequisite, a minimum knowledge of the C programming language is needed. Knowing the philosophy of Motif (what is a widget, a callback, a resource,...) is also needed. Having an idea of some of the widgets available helps a lot.
Most frequently used widgets are presented in a graphical way in a pick-and-use panel, thus facilitating access.
A tutorial to start creating simple programs exists already. A cook-book for individual components and of common interactive situations is being prepared.
A set of complete examples, some of them of considerable complexity and of scientific interest is included in the distribution package.
In general, it can be said that the system produces executables that are as fast as those generated by an expert programmer. Right now, the system runs only on Hewlett Packard series 700 workstations with X11 R4 and Motif 1.1. It is planned to move soon to X11 R5 and Motif 1.2.
Because the system produces executables, the C development software package (which is not included in the standard HP-UX distribution) has to be installed on the system.