Edgar is a Motif widget to display, edit and animate graphics. This widget is able to display various classes of objects, which are internally defined using the same kind of object-orientedness as the X toolkit uses to define the concept of a widget.
The objects actually available are polyline, polygon, rectangle, circle, text and pixmap, which may be either interactively or programmatically created, destroyed, moved, resized, rotated or grouped.
Edgar completely hides the user from low-level X structures like colour maps and graphics contexts.
3. Target group and Minimum Expertise Needed as Prerequisite
Edgar is intended to be used by Motif programmers.
Internal data structures have been designed to optimize performance (for animation applications), and to allow easy extension (for very interactive applications like editors, which will need object class browsers or interactive object resource specifications).
Edgar is written in C and conforms to industrial standards X-Window (X11R5) and Motif (1.2) which guarantees easy porting to most Unix platforms.
It will be beta-tested on a private ftp server by up to 15 european companies and universities between November `93 and April `94. It will be sold using that same server after April `94.