Table of Contents
Hermann Dunkel
IPN - Kiel
To the list of Colos tools
Pixidor is a general purpose pixel editor, supporting full scale pixmaps. It closes the gap left with X11R4 where no such tool is provided. Besides the basic drawing operations Pixidor offers different block operations and allows to handle a collection of pixmaps.
Using the standard pixmap format XPM, it is possible to specify symbolic colours, allowing to use the same pixmap with different colours at runtime. This suits the Motif style for resources and allows for flexible use of icon pixmaps.

The ability to call external programms, like filters or picture-format converters, opens access to a variety of pixmap formats and manipulations.
Pixidor supports the work with pixmaps which can be used in many different ways under Motif: small icons for labels or buttons, or whole images for background pixmaps.
The interface is designed to give a graphical visualization of the different operations (drag and see while placing a block.
The possibility to call filters renders access to any kind of external extension like new converters or image processing software.
The tool is intended to be used by everyone with practically no prerequisites. Programmers can easily improve interfaces with new created icons. Any kind of image manipulations can be done, i.e. editing digitized images.
Pixidor provides on-line help. A special resource converter allows to use pixmaps without any additional C-code.

Version 1.1 is a rather stable product. Version 1.2 is under development.
Version 1.1 has been heavily used within the Cools group. Version 1.2 is used during development at Kiel.