Barbara Rita Barricelli
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Barbara Rita Barricelli is Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy) where she obtained her M.Sc. and PhD in Computer Science. Her research interests are Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Semiotics and Semiotic Engineering, Socio-technical Design, End-User Development, and UX. She has been involved in several International and Italian projects in collaboration with universities, research institutes, and private companies. She is currently Chair of IFIP WG 13.6 Human Work Interaction Design.
Gerhard Fischer
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Gerhard Fischer is is a Professor Adjunct and Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, a Fellow of the Institute of Cognitive Science, and the Director of the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D) at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is a member of the Computer Human Interaction Academy (CHI; 2007), and a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM; 2009). His research has focused on new conceptual frameworks and media for learning, working, and collaborating, human-centered computing, and design. His recent work is centered on quality of life in the digital age, social creativity, meta-design, cultures of participation, design trade-offs, and rich landscapes for learning.
Daniela Fogli
Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy
Daniela Fogli is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy. Her research interests include methods for designing complex interactive systems, meta-design, end-user development, web usability and accessibility, decision support systems. She served as short papers co-chair of ACM AVI 2006, doctoral consortium co-chair of ISEUD 2011, poster and demo papers co-chair of ACM AVI 2014, program co-chair of ACM CHItaly 2015, and short paper co-chair of ACM AVI 2016. At the University of Brescia, she teaches courses in Human-Computer Interaction and Foundations of Computer Science.
Anders Mørch
University of Oslo, Norway
Anders Mørch is Professor at Department of Education (IPED), University of Oslo, Norway. He received his PhD in informatics from the University of Oslo and an M.S. in computer science from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He developed educational software at NYNEX Science and Technology Center, New York. His research interests are in the role of tools and artefacts in how people learn and develop (distributed collaborative learning, computer-based scaffolding, end-user tailoring); interfaces supporting learning (critiquing systems; pedagogical agents; learning analytics); integrated learning environments for workplace learning; design based models of human learning and development (evolving artifacts framework).
Antonio Piccinno
Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy
Antonio Piccinno is Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. He is member of the Interaction, Visualization, Usability & UX (IVU) Lab. His research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction, particularly on End-User Development, Visual Interactive Systems, Theory of Visual Languages, Adaptive Interfaces, Component-Based Software Development, Multi-modal and Multimedia Interaction. He served as program co-chair of IS-EUD 2011, doctoral consortium co-chair of ACM CHItaly 2015 and IS-EUD 2017, poster and demo papers co-chair of ACM AVI 2016. He is Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Semiotics, Human-Computer Interaction and End-User Development of the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing.
Stefano Valtolina
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Stefano Valtolina is Assistant Professor at the Computer Science (DI) Department of Università degli Studi di Milano. He obtained his PhD in Informatics from Università degli Studi di Milano and an MSc in Computer Science from the same university. His research interests include: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Creative Design, as well as studies in semantic, social and cultural aspects of information technologies with an emphasis on the application of this knowledge to interaction design. His research activity is directed toward the study of aspects of Human Computer Interaction and Database Management investigating methods, interactive systems, and tools for Knowledge Management and Fruition.