Department of Computer Science,University of Milan,
via Celoria, 18 - 20133 Milano (MI) Italy +39 02 5031 6337
I am in charge of exercise sessions for a C programming course.
Click on the buttons to see the details of teaching activity during an academic year
Academic activities
- Laboratorio di Programmazione 1 (exercise sessions of C programming)
Non-academic activities
Exercise sessions for "L’insegnamento della matematica nell’era digitale" (Fondazione I Lincei per la Scuola).
More information on Giovanni Righini's webpage
Download the archive with the exercises of the 1st lecture (in Italian)
Watch the video of the 1st lecture
Download the slides with the 2nd lecture (includes exercises; in Italian)
During my stay in Milan I have been co-advisor of 2 master theses in Computer Science:
- Antonio Belotti - Algorithms for Sparse Support Vector Classifiers (in Italian), December 2023
- Alberto Bertoncini - Experiments on Cutting Planes for the Training of Regression Models, April 2023
Moreover, I have been co-advisor of 4 undergraduate theses in Computer Science:
- Andrea Giuseppe Staibano - Algorithms for the Real-time Optimization of an Automated Warehouse (in Italian), December 2020
- Nicolas Facchinetti - Heuristic Algorithms for a Pickup and Delivery Problem with Single Intermediate Stack (in Italian), December 2019
- Antonio Belotti - Algorithms for Scheduling Problems with Multi-Purpose Machines (in Italian), October 2019
- Filippo Mosconi - Experimental Analysis of Algorithms for the On-Line ATSP (in Italian), December 2018
During my 2nd ATER at ENSIIE (Évry, France) I have been in charge of...
...exercise sessions for the following courses:
- Théorie des Graphes (Graph Theory)
- Recherche Opérationnelle (Operations Research)
- Optimisation Mathématique (Mathematical Optimization)
During my 1st ATER at Université Paris 13 (Paris, France) I have been in charge of...
...lectures of the course
- Unix (Introductory course about Unix commands)
...exercise and computer laboratory sessions for the following courses:
- Programmation Impérative (Imperative Programming)
- Introduction au Calcul Scientifique (Introductory course about Numerical Analysis)
...computer laboratory sessions for the following courses:
- Introduction à la programmation Shell (Shell programming)
- Structures de données (Data Structures)
- Algorithmique (Elementary algorithms)
- Optimisation Combinatoire (Combinatorial Optimization)
- Algorithmique des Graphes (Graph algorithms)
During my Ph.D. thesis I have been in charge of...
...computer laboratory sessions for the following courses:
- Initiation aux Interfaces Graphiques (Graphical Interfaces with GTK+)
- Unix (Introductory course about Unix commands)
- Programmation Impérative (Imperative Programming)
...exercise sessions for the following courses
- Math-Info (Mathematical methods for Computer Science)
- Introduction aux structures de données linéaires (Introduction to Linear Data Structures)
My research interests currently are:
- Operations Research - routing problems / automated warehouse management / network interdiction problems / emergency management
- Polyhedral Combinatorics - stable matching polytope / digraph kernel polytopes
- Graph Theory - stable matchings / digraph kernels
- Linear Programming - (box-)total dual integrality

Papers in Journals
In: Networks 85(3), pp. 326-347 (2025) - Online version available in Open Access
In: Journal of Scheduling - Online version available in Open Access (published online on July 16, 2024)
In: European Journal of Operational Research 316(3), pp. 1070-1084 (2024) - Online version available in Gold Open Access
In: European Journal of Operational Research 316(2), pp. 473-487 (2024) - Online version available in Gold Open Access
In: Networks, 82(4), pp. 336-370 (2023)
In: European Journal of Operational Research, 308(1), pp. 422-435 (2023)
In: Mathematical Programming, 197, pp. 307-336 (2023)
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 308, pp. 162-167 (2022)
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 291, pp. 277-285 (2021)
In: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 240, pp. 3-7 (2018)
In: Discrete Optimization, 21, pp. 25-41 (2016)
Papers in Proceedings
To appear in: Proceedings of 7th and 8th AIROYoung Workshops - AIRO Springer Series (accepted April, 2024)
In: Operations Research for Health Care in Red Zone (ORAHS 2022). AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 10 pp. 47-57 (2023)
In: Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications. AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 5, pp. 237-249 Springer, Cham. (2021)
In: Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12176, pp. 27-41 Springer, Cham. (2020)
In: Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises. AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 3 pp. 127-137 (2019)
In: Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises. AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 3 pp. 151-159 (2019)
In: Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises. AIRO Springer Series, Vol. 3 pp. 471-481 (2019)
In: Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9849, pp. 260-272. Springer, Cham. (2016)
Submitted Manuscripts
Under review in: INFORMS Journal on Computing (subm. 2024)
Under review in: Operations Research for Health Care (subm. 2023)
Ph.D. Thesis
Defended on October 5th 2016 at Université Paris 13
Talks in Conferences and Workshops
International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science / ODS - Ischia, Italy (2023)
International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science / ODS - Florence, Italy (2022)
3rd Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization - On-line (2022)
15th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling / MAPSP - Oropa, Italy (2022)
7th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization - On-line (2022)
50th AIRO Meeting / ODS - On-line (originally to be held in Rome, Italy) (2020)
18th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization - On-line (originally to be held in Ischia, Italy) (2020)
49th AIRO Meeting / ODS - Genova, Italy (2019)
3rd AIROYoung Workshop - Rome, Italy (2019)
Optimization 2017 - Lisbon, Portugal (2017)
VeRoLog - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2017)
18th ROADEF - Metz, France (2017)
4th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization - Vietri Sul Mare, Italy (2016)
Recent Advances in Linear Optimization - Paris, France (2014)
15th ROADEF - Bordeaux, France (2014)
2023-present / Milan, Italy
I am a assistant professor (RTD-a) at University of Milan. My research activity concerns optimization applied to data governance and data protection and it is supported by the foundation SERICS, SEcurity and RIghts in Computer Science (spoke 10, PI: prof. Pierangela Samarati).
2021-2023 / Milan, Italy
My activity as a post-doc researcher at University of Milan (Italy) was extended to cover network interdiction problems for the optimization of diffusive phenomena over rich networks. Such research proposal was inspired by my former experience on optimization algorithms for the epidemics containment in the context of the project COD-19. During the period June 2022-February 2023 I have been one of the organizers of the 7th AIROYoung workshop that took place on February 15th-17th, 2023.
2018-2021 / Milan, Italy
I was a post-doc researcher at University of Milan (Italy).
I worked in the group of Prof. Giovanni Righini and
Prof. Alberto Ceselli.
My post-doc was supported by the AD-COM project,
aiming to apply Operations Research techniques to cosmetic manufacturing.
Automated warehouse management and routing problems arising in this context were the main axes of my current research.
In 2021 I became a member of the AIRO Young board.
2017-2018 / Lisbon, Portugal
I have been a post-doc researcher at University of Lisbon (Portugal). I worked in collaboration with Prof. Luís Gouveia. During my stay in Lisbon my research was mainly focused on routing problems.
2013-2017 / Paris, France
I have been an Attaché temporaire d'enseignement et recherche at ENSIIE of Évry (France). I was also enrolled as a post-doc at LIPN of Université Paris 13.
I obtained my PhD in Computer Science in October 2016 from Université Paris 13. My thesis is about the Double TSP which is a generalization of the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem and about lexicographical polytopes.
I worked under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Wolfler Calvo, Mathieu Lacroix and Roland Grappe.