Something about me

  • I received my Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the University of Milano in 2006; my thesis was about lattice manipulation in Java (you can download the related software from LaMa4J) ("Un sistema Java per il calcolo simbolico nei reticoli distributivi", advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Vigna).
  • I received my Master degree in Mathematics from the University of Milano in 2008; my thesis was about Iwasawa theory, i.e. the study of infinite extension of number fields. ("Sulla congettura principale della teoria di Iwasawa", advisor: Prof. Massimo Bertolini).
  • I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Computer Science Department (DSI) of the University of Milano. My reasearch activity is focused on applied graph theory, with a particular attention to web-scale graphs (advisor: Prof. Sebastiano Vigna, research group: LAW).