The training set file format

We describe the format of the file with the examples to submit to a network during the learning phase. This file, called training set file, contains a sequence of examples, each of them being a couple with an input pattern, representing the values of input neurons, and the output pattern, that is the expected response of output nodes. The format simply ask you to write on two different lines the input pattern and the output one. Blank spaces and tabs are allowed to separate the data. Each serie of data is a sequence of floating point value that will be taken as the state of the corresponding node. See the sections about the implemented neural models to know how INNE chooses to wich neuron to give each single pattern value. Any number of lines of comments can be inserted in the file to describe the input/output pattern, but they must start with a ! or # character. An example must have two lines, the input pattern line starting with i or I, and the output pattern line starting with o or O.

When you load a training set file from a model panel, INNE expects a training set compatible with the connected net; this means that each input pattern must consist of a number of value at least equal to the number of input unit, and so for each output pattern too; every value in advance will be ignored. A training set that doesn't respect the previous requisites will not be loaded. As an example, we give the training set file for the XOR boolean function. The function has to give 0 in output whenever the input is 0 0 or 1 1; while it has to output 1 when the input is either 0 1 or 1 0. With two input nodes there are no more examples to submit to a network computing the XOR function. The corresponding training set file could be the following. Commments are introduced by the # character.

#Training Set for the XOR function:
# Example 1, input
   I 		0  0
# output
   O 		0
# Example 2, input 
   I		0  1
# output
   O 		1
# Example 3, input 
   I 		1  0
# output 
   O 		1
# Example 4, input 
   I 		1  1
# output 
   O 		0

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