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View the slides presenting the main issues that the IEEE Technical Activity Board has to address and some areas of actions.

Together we can face the great challenge of playing an essential role in changing the world for the benefit of humanity through technology by:

  • Being the trusted source for high-quality innovative and timely knowledge in current, interdisciplinary and novel fields, increasing responsiveness to the needs of scientists, practicing professionals, and students, and attracting new communities and the general public;
  • Promoting inclusive internationalization and preserving diversity of technological expertise, profession, culture, geographical origin, gender, and age, while acting holistically in the evolving international scenarios and nurturing our local identities and communities;
  • Empowering technology-centric communities worldwide by addressing their needs with a human-centered approach, seeking for more networking opportunities through social networks and new media sources, broadly engaging the young generations, and intensifying synergic alliances with local and international associations.

The actual priorities and actions should be identified by the whole IEEE Technical Activity Board by synergically integrating and balancing the needs and the desires of all technology-centric communities worldwide.