:: Software download ::

AiboEdgeDetector: Library that use some information in Aibo RAW Image format to compute a fast Sobel Edge Detection.
author: Gilberto Decaro date: 9-10-2006
version: v1.0 format: (source code/documentation) tar.gz (710KB)
DynamicDetector: Accelerometer library. Use the accelerometer information to recognize Aibo dynamic state (fall left, fall right...).
author: Gilberto Decaro date: 9-10-2006
version: v1.0 format: (source code/documentation) tar.gz (800KB)
AISColorSeg: Color segmentation library for Aibo able to process image with arbitrary dimension and able to recognize up to 32 different color classes.
author: Gilberto Decaro date: 30-6-2006
version: v1.0 format: (source code/documentation) tar.gz (110KB)
MorphoAibo: morphological filter for Aibo (erosion, dilatation, opening, closing).
author: Gilberto Decaro date: 29-5-2006
version: v1.0 format: (source code) tar.gz (600KB)
ClientImage: a Java application for Aibo video streaming based on W3AIBO.
author: L. D'Angelo - G.Decaro date: 13-4-2006
version: v1.0 format: (binary/source code) tar.gz (600KB)
W3AIBO modified: the Sony sample W3AIBO modified to support layer CDT.
author: Sony development team - G.Decaro date: 13-4-2006
version: v1.0 format: (source code) tar.gz (700KB)
Aibo call-stack: a debugging library that will allow for callstacks to be displayed via the telnet console at runtime.
author: Stuart Scandrett date: 07.11.2005
version: 0.9b format: (source code) tar.gz (10KB)
MotionObject: motion libraries extracted from Carnegie Mellon SW (CMPack'04).
author: Carnegie Mellon http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~robosoccer/legged/ date: 25.07.2005
version: format: (source code) ZIP (1.1MB)
Telepati: an OPEN-R Object for intra-Aibo wireless comunication (cooperation oriented).
author: G.Decaro date: 24.2.2005
version: v1.5 format: (source code) ZIP (1.5MB)
Motion: an OPEN-R Object to manage leg and head joint.
author: A.Quattro date: 15.2.2005
version: v1.2 format: (source code) ZIP (41KB)
Open-R compiler, Cygwin set-up.exe and related files
author: Sony date:  
version:   format: (source code) RAR (61 MB, Linux; 37 MB, Windows)