Special Session on |
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Pietro Codara |
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Many-valued logics have constituted for several decades key conceptual tools for the formal description and management of fuzzy, vague and uncertain information. In the last few years, the study of these logical systems has seen a bloom of new research related to the most diverse areas of mathematics and applied sciences. Relevant recent developments in this field are connected to the natural semantics of non-classical events. A nonclassical event is described by a formula in the language of a given manyvalued logic. A satisfying semantics for such events must account for their different aspects, in particular the "ontic" aspect, related to their vague nature, and the "epistemic" aspect, related to our ignorance, or approximate knowledge about them. The combination in a unique conceptual framework of the logic and the probability of a class of non-classical events, usually reached through the algebraic semantics and their topological or combinatorial dualities, provides both the theoreticians and the applicationoriented scholars with powerful tools to deal with this kind of events. This special session is devoted to the most recent development in the realm of many-valued logics, with particular emphasis on theoretical advances related to algebraic or alternative semantics, combinatorial aspects, topological and categorical methods, proof theory and game theory, manyvalued computation. In particular, results directed towards a better understanding of the natural semantics of non-classical events will be appreciated. Further, a special attention is also given to connections and synergies between many-valued logics and other different formal approaches to vague and approximate reasoning, such as Rough Sets, Formal Concept Analysis and Relational Methods. Scope and Topics
A partial list of topics is the following:
Important Dates
For more informations, please visit: WCCI 2020. |