Structure for a description of COLOS applications
To the list of Colos applications
1. Global description
- What is the general appearance of the application, its intention and the subject involved?
2. Scientific content - Important Features
- What are the important features of the selected topic in relation to its scientific content?
- For what course or curriculum is the topic important (or should become important) and for what reason?
3. Didactical approach
- What is the standard approach to introduce this topic (books, experiment laboratory work, etc.) and what short-comings can be stated?
- What is the new didactical approach and its added value?
4. Implementation
- What are the specific topics to be covered by the application?
- What model/numerical approach has been used?
- Why is a high-level workstation needed?
- What kind of additional help, besides a \xe3 self-explanatory" user interface design has been implemented?
5. Target group
- For what learning/teaching situation is the application intended to be useful?
- What are the intended activities to be carried out by the user?
6. Evaluation
- What kind of evaluation studies have been carried out or will be carried out?
- What kind of results have been found or will be expected?
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