me unimi

Gianluca Sforza

Research Fellow at Dipartimento di Informatica

email: gianluca DOT sforza AT unimi DOT it
Phone: (+39) 02 503.30088
Address: Dipartimento di Informatica, Università degli Studi di Milano - Via Bramante, 65 I-26013 Crema (CR) - ITALY

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Short academic bio

Gianluca Sforza is currently a post-doc research fellow at the Computer Science department, Università deli Studi di Milano, which is located at Crema. He joined the Biometric Systems (BMS) and the Industrial and Environmental Informatics (IEI) labs in January 2014.
After completing his master's degree in Computer Science in 2007 at the University of Bari "Aldo Moro'', he attended the PhD school in CS, when he started his research activity. Research was mainly focused on techniques for image description, both at physical and semantic level. He discussed his thesis in June 2012. During this period, in 2010 he joined the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla - Missouri (USA) as visiting scholar, working on a project on melanoma in situ detection from microscopy images. After receiving his PhD, he spent one year at the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading (UK) as a post-doc fellow of the neuroscience group, where he begun to investigate the cognitive aspects of human vision. The main aim was to design a new model for shape-description that could imitate human behaviour in visual perception, and be used to perform semantic image retrieval.
His research interests include image analysis (also with computational intelligence techniques), biometry, human vision: visual perception and meaning detection, recursion theory.


He is currently involved in the following projects: ABC4EU- ABC gates for Europe, and IPAN Innovative Poplar Low Density Structural Panel


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