Travel Information

By car from Milan

  • Prendere la statale 415 -- Paullese
  • Uscire a Crema Ovest
  • Passare sotto la Paullese per continuare verso Crema (terza uscita)
  • Continuare diritto alla rotonda successiva, quella con l'Ipercoop sulla destra, e prendere la terza uscita (tangenziale)
  • Alla fine della tangenziale prendere la prima uscita e continuare fino al semaforo
  • Al primo semaforo voltare a sinistra.
  • A questo punto siete su Viale Indipendenza (vedi cartina). Continuare diritto fino al passaggio a livello e, subito dopo il passaggio a livello, girare a sinistra e poi prendere subito la prima strada a destra (via Bramante).
  • Dopo un centinaio di metri, sulla destra e subito dopo una curva, c'è il cancello del Dipartimento.

How to reach Crema from the airport

There are two airports in Milan: Linate and Malpensa. Linate is in the city and is closer to Crema. Malpensa is 50 km north of Milan and is therefore farther. Most companies fly to Malpensa, Linate is used mainly for charter flights and low-cost companies.

Malpensa is 100 km. far from Crema (where our meeting will be). Linate is 50 km. from Crema. If you let me know you arrival time I can reserve a taxi to pick you up. The cost of the ride is around 124 Euro for Malpensa-Crema and 52 Euro for Linate Crema. To get a taxi from either Malpensa or Linate to Crema you need to book it in advance. If you are visiting our department let your host know so s/he can book a taxi for you.

To reach Crema from either Malpensa or Linate by public transportation you need to get to Milan first. From Linate you can get to Centrale Station either by city bus or via terminal buses that operate frequently. Malpensa is well connected to the city with a train (going from Malpensa to Cadorna train station) and with buses going from Malpensa to Milan Central Station. The price is 9,00 Euro for an ordinary one way ticket and 12,00 Euro for an ordinary round trip ticket.

There are buses of two different companies doing service Malpensa-Centrale Station. One company has buses leaving from Malpensa Terminal 1 every 10 minutes, the other every 20 mins. (NOTE: Malpensa has two terminals which are connected by a shuttle). The price changes slighlty (4,50 Euro for one company and 5,50 Euro for the other). The journey is 50 minutes.

Once in Milan Centrale Station you can either

1) take a train and go to Lodi.
Lodi is 15 km. from Crema and you can easily take a taxi at Lodi train station to get here.
Lodi is well served with trains and the train journey is quick (around half an hour).

2) take a train to get to Crema.
If you get to Crema by train you will need to change train (as indicated in the schedule -- see links below).

3) take the subway and go to San Donato subway station and take a taxi.
If you arrive late evening I would avoid this option (I am not sure whether are taxis there all day)

Useful Links