About me
My principal research interests are in the fields of machine learning and bioinformatics. Since September 2008 I have joined the bioinformatics unit headed by Giorgio Valentini. I'm actually involved in many research projects all devoted to the investigation of complex biomolecular data. Actually the main research line I'm involved in is the development of systems able to predict the biological role of genes by mean of ensemble systems based heterogeneous data fusion methods.
I'm a bioinformatician with strong background in molecular biology, molecular evolution, functional genomics and comparative genomics. In the past I have been involved in a broad range of research projects aimed to find new protein-coding genes in the human genome, to annotate, at whole genome scale, non-coding RNAs in eukaryotes and to elucidate the relationships between the DNA variation patterns and complex human deseases.
You can find more details about my research in the remaining sections of this site and in the web page of the Anacleto Lab of the D.I. My curriculum vitae :