    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "To be or not to be... an algorithm: the notion according to students and teachers",
    booktitle = "{SIGCSE24}: Proceedings of the 55th {ACM} Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education",
    year = "2024",
    publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    pages = "102--108",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    location = "Portland OR, USA",
    series = "SIGCSE 2024",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/1036488",
    url = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3626252.3630950"
    author = "Nardelli, Enrico and Lacchia, Francesco and Davoli, Renzo and Lodi, Michael and Sbaraglia, Marco and Rossano, Veronica and Gentile, Enrichetta and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Forlizzi, Luca and Melideo, Giovanna and Capecchi, Sara and Fronza, Ilenia and Vardanega, Tullio",
    title = "Learning Iteration for Grades 2-3: Puzzles vs. {UMC} in {Code.org}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2",
    doi = "10.1145/3545947.3576312",
    url = "https://sigcse2023.sigcse.org/details/sigcse-ts-2023-posters/66/Learning-Iteration-for-Grades-2-3-Puzzles-vs-UMC-in-Code-org",
    year = "2023",
    month = "mar",
    isbn = "9781450394338",
    publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    pages = "1368",
    numpages = "1",
    location = "Toronto ON, Canada",
    series = "SIGCSE 2023",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/949950",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Laakso, Mikko-Jussi and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "ITiCSE 2023 Preview",
    year = "2023",
    issue_date = "April 2023",
    publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    volume = "55",
    number = "2",
    issn = "0097-8418",
    doi = "10.1145/3607479.3607482",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/984570",
    journal = "SIGCSE Bull.",
    month = "jul",
    pages = "6--7",
    numpages = "2",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    editor = "Gentile, Enrichetta and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "[ITADINFO] Convegno Italiano sulla Didattica dell’Informatica",
    publisher = "Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro",
    year = "2023",
    edition = "First",
    month = "October",
    url = "https://www.itadinfo.it/download/1006/?tmstv=1697110429",
    isbn = "978-88-6629-075-9",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/1009836",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italiano"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Pellet, Jean-Philippe and Parriaux, Gabriel",
    title = "All Green: How Different Age Groups Solved the Same Bebras Task",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education",
    year = "2023",
    month = "oct",
    publisher = "Springer Nature Switzerland",
    address = "Cham",
    pages = "57--68",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    location = "Lausanne, Switzerland",
    isbn = "978-3-031-44900-0",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-44900-0\_5",
    handle = "https://hdl.handle.net/2434/1005688",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    volume = "14296",
    note = "Outstanding paper award winner"
    author = {Begum, Marjahan and Haglund, Pontus and Korhonen, Ari and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Str\"omb\"ack, Filip and Tilanter\"a, Artturi},
    title = "Empirical Evaluation of a Differentiated Assessment of Data Structures: The Role of Prerequisite Skills",
    journal = "Informatics in Education",
    volume = "23",
    number = "1",
    year = "2024",
    doi = "10.15388/infedu.2024.05",
    issn = "1648-5831",
    pages = "57--99",
    publisher = "Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/987828",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lodi, Michael and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Jovanovic, J. and Chounta, I.-A. and Uhomoibhi, J. and McLaren, B.",
    title = "{DaVinci} goes to {Bebras}: a study on the problem solving ability of {GPT-3}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education --- Volume 2 ({CSEDU 2023})",
    year = "2023",
    isbn = "978-989-758-641-5",
    pages = "59--69",
    organization = "INSTICC",
    url = "https://www.scitepress.org/Link.aspx?doi=10.5220/0012007500003470",
    doi = "10.5220/0012007500003470",
    issn = "2184-5026",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/967037",
    location = "Prague, Czech Republic",
    month = "April"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Mirolo, Claudio and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di `programmi'",
    journal = "Mondo Digitale",
    year = "2022",
    url = "https://mondodigitale.aicanet.net/2022-4/Articoli/01\%20Di\%20cosa\%20parliamo\%20quando\%20parliamo\%20di\%20programmi.pdf",
    volume = "20",
    number = "97",
    pages = "1--12",
    month = "November",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    handle = "https://hdl.handle.net/2434/948383"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "L'importanza di chiamarlo file",
    journal = "Mondo Digitale",
    year = "2022",
    volume = "21",
    number = "94",
    month = "February",
    keywords = "cs\_popularization",
    language = "italian",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/917366",
    url = "https://mondodigitale.aicanet.net/2022-1/articoli/MD94\_02\_L\_importanza\_di\_chiamarlo\_file\_Monga.pdf"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Brodnik, Andrej and Bell, Tim and Csizmadia, Andrew Paul and De Mol, Liesbeth and Hickman, Henry and Keane, Therese and Mirolo, Claudio and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "What We Talk About When We Talk About Programs",
    year = "2022",
    isbn = "9798400700101",
    publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    url = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3571785.3574125",
    doi = "10.1145/3571785.3574125",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education",
    pages = "117--164",
    numpages = "48",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/949950",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    location = "Dublin, Ireland",
    series = "ITiCSE-WGR '22",
    language = "english"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Brodnik, Andrej and Bell, Tim and Csizmadia, {Andrew Paul} and {De Mol}, Liesbeth and Hickman, Henry and Keane, Therese and Mirolo, Claudio and Monga, Mattia and Tedre, Matti",
    title = "Characterizing the Nature of Programs for Educational Purposes",
    year = "2022",
    isbn = "9781450392006",
    publisher = "Association for Computing Machinery",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    doi = "10.1145/3502717.3532173",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 2",
    pages = "572--573",
    numpages = "2",
    location = "Dublin, Ireland",
    series = "ITiCSE '22",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/933606"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Bollin, Andreas and Futschek, Gerald",
    title = "How is Two Better Than One? An Observational Study on the Impact of Working in Pairs When Solving {Bebras} Tasks",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education {ISSEP 2022}",
    year = "2022",
    month = "September",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    address = "Cham",
    location = "Vienna, Austria",
    pages = "54--65",
    note = "Best paper award winner",
    isbn = "978-3-031-15851-3",
    url = "https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-15851-3\_5",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-031-15851-3\_5",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/936687",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Mirolo, Claudio and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Marafioti, R. S. and Ciancarini, P. and Ravotto, P. and Gentile, M.",
    title = "Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di `programmi'",
    booktitle = "DidaMatica 2022",
    year = "2022",
    month = "November",
    organization = "AICA",
    location = "Milano, Italy",
    note = "``Best paper of DidaMatica 2022''.",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    isbn = "978-88-98091-63-8",
    pages = "303--310",
    publisher = "AICA"
    author = "Brodnik, Andrej and Csizmadia, Andrew and Futschek, Gerald and Kralj, Lidija and Lonati, Violetta and Micheuz, Peter and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Programming for All: Understanding the Nature of Programs",
    year = "2021",
    eprint = "2111.04887",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "cs.CY",
    url = "https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04887",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Eiffel nello sviluppo software in gruppi di lavoro complessi",
    publisher = "KDP",
    year = "2021",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/885886",
    url = "https://www.amazon.it/dp/B09MBQQ6G5",
    keywords = "sw\_eng",
    language = "italian",
    month = "November"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "Coding e oltre: l'informatica nella scuola",
    chapter = "Algomotricità: manipolare i fondamenti dell’informatica",
    isbn = "978-8892810426",
    publisher = "Lisciani Scuola",
    year = "2020",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    month = "September",
    url = "https://www.liscianiscuola.it/prodotto/coding-e-oltre-linformatica-nella-scuola/",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/767496"
    author = {Nelson, Greg L. and Str\"{o}mb\"{a}ck, Filip and Korhonen, Ari and Begum, Marjahan and Blamey, Ben and Jin, Karen H. and Lonati, Violetta and MacKellar, Bonnie and Monga, Mattia},
    editor = "ACM",
    title = "Differentiated Assessments for Advanced Courses that Reveal Issues with Prerequisite Skills: A Design Investigation",
    isbn = "9781450382939",
    publisher = "{ACM}",
    address = "New York, USA",
    doi = "10.1145/3437800.3439204",
    pages = "75--129",
    numpages = "55",
    location = "Trondheim, Norway",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education",
    series = "ITiCSE-WGR '20",
    year = "2020",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/801967"
    author = {Nelson, Greg L. and Str\"{o}mb\"{a}ck, Filip and Korhonen, Ari and Albluwi, Ibrahim and Begum, Marjahan and Blamey, Ben and Jin, Karen H. and Lonati, Violetta and MacKellar, Bonnie and Monga, Mattia},
    title = "Assessing How Pre-Requisite Skills Affect Learning of Advanced Concepts",
    year = "2020",
    isbn = "9781450368742",
    publisher = "{ACM}",
    address = "New York, USA",
    url = "https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3341525.3394990",
    doi = "10.1145/3341525.3394990",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2020 {ACM} Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education",
    pages = "506-–507",
    numpages = "2",
    location = "Trondheim, Norway",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/738523"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Lane, H. Chad and Zvacek, Susan and Uhomoibhi, James",
    title = "Behind the Shoulders of Bebras Teams: Analyzing How They Interact with the Platform to Solve Tasks",
    booktitle = "Computer Supported Education",
    year = "2020",
    month = "November",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    address = "Cham",
    pages = "191--210",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-58459-7\_10",
    isbn = "978-3-030-58459-7",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/785965"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Fronza, Ilenia and Pahl, Claus",
    title = "An analysis of the performance of {Italian} schools in {Bebras} and in the national student assessment {INVALSI}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd Systems of Assessments for Computational Thinking Learning Workshop ({TACKLE} 2019)",
    year = "2019",
    month = "September",
    volume = "2434",
    series = "{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings",
    url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2434/paper1.pdf",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/674184",
    issn = "1613-0073",
    location = "Delft, The Netherlands",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Palazzolo, Martina",
    editor = "S., Pozdniakov and V., Dagien{\.e}",
    title = "Situated learning with {Bebras} tasklets",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering. {ISSEP 2019}.",
    year = "2019",
    month = "November",
    location = "Larnaca, Cyprus",
    doi = "10.1007\%2F978-3-030-33759-9\_18",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/688837",
    isbn = "9783030337582",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    volume = "11913",
    series = "LNCS",
    pages = "225--239",
    publisher = "Springer, Cham"
    author = "Lodi, Michael and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Spieler, Bernadette",
    title = "Constructionist Attempts at Supporting the Learning of Computer Programming: A Survey",
    journal = "Olympiads in Informatics",
    year = "2019",
    doi = "10.15388/ioi.2019.07",
    url = "https://ioinformatics.org/journal/v13\_2019\_99\_122.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/660190",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    volume = "13",
    pages = "99--121",
    month = "July"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "How pupils solve online problems: an analytical view",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education ({CSEDU 2019}) --- Volume 2",
    year = "2019",
    pages = "132--139",
    isbn = "978-989-758-367-4",
    publisher = "SCITEPRESS",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Heraklion, Crete, Greece",
    month = "May",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/648668",
    doi = "10.5220/0007765801320139"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Problem Posing and Programming as a General Approach to Foster the Learning of Mathematics",
    journal = "Constructivist Foundations",
    volume = "14",
    number = "3",
    pages = "335--337",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/660189",
    year = "2019",
    url = "https://constructivist.info/14/3/335.monga"
    author = "Forlizzi, Luca and Lodi, Michael and Lonati, Violetta and Mirolo, Claudio and Monga, Mattia and Montresor, Alberto and Morpurgo, Anna and Nardelli, Enrico",
    editor = "S., Pozdniakov and V., Dagien{\.e}",
    title = "A core informatics curriculum for {I}talian compulsory schools",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering. {ISSEP 2018}.",
    year = "2018",
    month = "October",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-02750-6\_11",
    isbn = "978-3-030-02749-0",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    volume = "11169",
    series = "LNCS",
    pages = "141--153",
    publisher = "Springer, Cham",
    location = "Saint-Petersburg, Russia",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/596381"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "S., Pozdniakov and V., Dagien{\.e}",
    title = "Informatics and computational thinking: a teacher professional development proposal based on social-constructivism",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering. {ISSEP 2018}.",
    year = "2018",
    month = "October",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-02750-6\_15",
    isbn = "978-3-030-02749-0",
    volume = "11169",
    series = "LNCS",
    pages = "194--205",
    publisher = "Springer, Cham",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Saint-Petersburg, Russia",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/596383"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "Informatica e pensiero computazionale: una proposta costruttivista per gli insegnanti",
    booktitle = "Didamatica 2018",
    location = "Cesena, Italia",
    year = "2018",
    month = "April",
    pages = "201--210",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    organization = "AICA",
    url = "https://www.aicanet.it/documents/10776/2101882/didamatica2018\_paper\_52.pdf",
    isbn = "978-88-98091-47-8",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/581260"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Carimati, Fabrizio and Lonati, Violetta and Macoratti, Riccardo and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "A platform for the {Italian Bebras}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education ({CSEDU 2018}) --- {Volume 1}",
    year = "2018",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    doi = "10.5220/0006775103500357",
    location = "Funchal, Madeira, Portugal",
    month = "March",
    publisher = "SCITEPRESS",
    isbn = "978-989-758-291-2",
    pages = "350--357",
    note = "Best poster award winner",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/565816"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Lodi, Michael and Malchiodi, Dario and Morpurgo, Anna and Spieler, Bernadette",
    editor = "Dagien\.e, Valentina and Jasut\.e, Egl\.e",
    title = "{WG6}: Learning to Program in a Constructionist Way",
    booktitle = "Constructionism, Computational Thinking and Educational Innovation: conference proceedings {(Constructionism 2018)}",
    year = "2018",
    isbn = "978-609-95760-1-5",
    url = "http://www.constructionism2018.fsf.vu.lt/proceedings",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/585245",
    pages = "888--911",
    month = "August",
    organization = "Lithuanian Computer Society",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vilnius, Lithuania"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Malchiodi, Dario and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "Turing: la nascita dell'intelligenza artificiale",
    publisher = "Corriere della Sera",
    year = "2017",
    volume = "14",
    series = "Grandangolo Scienza",
    month = "February",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/472163",
    keywords = "cs\_popularization",
    language = "italian"
    author = "Camilli, Matteo and Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Cerone, Antonio and Roveri, Marco",
    booktitle = "Software Engineering and Formal Methods",
    title = "A Formal Framework for Specifying and Verifying Microservices Based Process Flows",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    address = "Cham",
    pages = "187--202",
    isbn = "978-3-319-74781-1",
    year = "2018",
    volume = "10729",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    month = "January",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, microservices, Petri\_nets",
    language = "english",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-74781-1\_14",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/547426"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "Nothing to fear but fear itself: introducing recursion in lower secondary schools",
    booktitle = "International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering ({LaTICE 2017})",
    year = "2017",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Hong Kong",
    issn = "2475-1057",
    isbn = "978-1-5386-0892-0",
    doi = "10.1109/LaTiCE.2017.23",
    month = "April",
    pages = "91--98",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/526752",
    publisher = "IEEE"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "How presentation affects the difficulty of computational thinking tasks: an {IRT} analysis.",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 17th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research",
    year = "2017",
    month = "November",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Koli, Finland",
    pages = "60--69",
    publisher = "ACM New York, NY, USA",
    doi = "10.1145/3141880.3141900",
    acmdl = "https://dl.acm.org/authorize?N40196",
    isbn = "978-1-4503-5301-4",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/530118"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "Bebras as a teaching resource: classifying the tasks corpus using computational thinking skills",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education ({ITiCSE} 2017)",
    year = "2017",
    month = "July",
    isbn = "978-1-4503-4704-4",
    doi = "10.1145/3059009.3072987",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/512003",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N31366",
    pages = "366",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Bologna, Italy"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Malchiodi, Dario and Calcagni, Annalisa",
    editor = "Dagien{\.{e}}, Valentina and Hellas, Arto",
    title = "Promoting computational thinking skills: would you use this {Bebras} task?",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming: {P}roceeding of the 10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, {ISSEP 2017}",
    year = "2017",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    address = "Cham",
    pages = "102--113",
    isbn = "978-3-319-71483-7",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-71483-7\_9",
    location = "Helsinki, Finland",
    month = "November",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "10696",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/531952"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Sforza, Antonio and Sterle, Claudio",
    title = "Learning greedy strategies at secondary schools: an active approach",
    booktitle = "Optimization and Decision Science: Methodologies and Applications: {ODS}, {S}orrento, {I}taly, September 4-7, 2017",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    address = "Cham",
    pages = "223--231",
    isbn = "978-3-319-67308-0",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-67308-0\_23",
    year = "2017",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Sorrento, Italy",
    month = "September",
    volume = "217",
    series = "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \\& Statistics",
    handle = "https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/529176"
    author = "Camilli, Matteo and Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Coverability Analysis of Time Basic {P}etri Nets with Non-Urgent Behavior",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing ({SYNASC 2016})",
    year = "2016",
    month = "September",
    location = "Timisoara, Romania",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, Petri\_nets",
    language = "english",
    doi = "10.1109/SYNASC.2016.036",
    issn = "2470-881X",
    isbn = "978-1-5090-5707-8",
    pages = "165--172",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/478774",
    publisher = "IEEE"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    title = "A playful tool to introduce lower secondary school pupils to recursive thinking",
    booktitle = "9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspective",
    year = "2016",
    month = "October",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = {M\"unster, Germany},
    pages = "51--52",
    publisher = "\'Ecole normale sup\'erieure {Paris-Saclay}",
    url = "http://issep2016.ens-cachan.fr/ISSEP\_2016\_Proceedings.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/443051"
    author = "Basilico, Nicola and Lanzi, Andrea and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "A Security Game Model for Remote Software Protection",
    booktitle = "11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security ({ARES})",
    year = "2016",
    month = "September",
    doi = "10.1109/ARES.2016.96",
    location = "Salzburg, Austria",
    keywords = "security, remote\_sw\_protection, game\_theory",
    language = "english",
    isbn = "978-1-5090-0990-9",
    pages = "437--443",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/465139"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Pedersini, Federico",
    title = "E questo tutti chiamano Informatica. L'esperienza dei {TFA} nelle discipline informatiche",
    chapter = "La formazione degli insegnanti della classe {42/A} --- Informatica: l'esperienza dell'Universit\`a degli Studi di Milano",
    publisher = "Sapienza Universit\`a Editrice",
    year = "2015",
    volume = "14",
    series = "Collana Manuali",
    address = "Roma, Italia",
    month = "December",
    pages = "53--76",
    isbn = "978-88-98533-63-3",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/ojs/index.php/Formazione/article/view/269/250",
    doi = "10.13133/978-88-98533-63-3",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/343583"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "{VII Kangourou} dell'informatica 2014--2015",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2015",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-41-3",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2015/libretto2015.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/266186"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "How challenging are {Bebras} tasks? An {IRT} analysis based on the performance of {Italian} students",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education {ITiCSE'15}",
    year = "2015",
    month = "July",
    doi = "10.1145/2729094.2742603",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N27161",
    pages = "27--32",
    numpages = "6",
    publisher = "ACM",
    eid = "2-s2.0-84952011810",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/286299",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vilnius, Lithuania"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna",
    editor = "Brodnik, Andrej and Vahrenhold, Jan",
    title = "Is coding the way to go?",
    booktitle = "8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspective",
    year = "2015",
    month = "September",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Ljubljana, Slovenia",
    volume = "9378",
    series = "LNCS",
    pages = "165--174",
    address = "Switzerland",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-25396-1\_15",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/324534"
    author = "Camilli, Matteo and Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Distributed {CTL} Model Checking Using {MapReduce}: Theory and Practice",
    journal = "Concurrency and Computation: Practice \\& Experience",
    year = "2015",
    doi = "10.1002/cpe.3652",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/365774",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, model\_checking, cloud\_computing",
    language = "english",
    volume = "28",
    number = "11",
    pages = "3025--3041",
    month = "August",
    issn = "1532-0634"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro and Zecca, Luisa",
    title = "Informatics Education in {I}talian Secondary School",
    journal = "{ACM} Transactions on Computing Education",
    year = "2014",
    month = "June",
    number = "2",
    pages = "15:1--15:6",
    volume = "14",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N87889",
    articleno = "15",
    doi = "10.1145/2602490",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/237299",
    issn = "1946-6226",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    numpages = "6"
    author = "Basilico, Nicola and Gatti, Nicola and Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    title = "Security Games for Node Localization through Verifiable Multilateration",
    journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing",
    year = "2014",
    month = "January",
    number = "1",
    pages = "72--85",
    volume = "11",
    doi = "10.1109/TDSC.2013.30",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/224602",
    keywords = "security, wireless\_sensor\_networks, game\_theory",
    language = "english"
    author = "Camilli, Matteo and Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "{CTL} Model Checking in the Cloud Using {MapReduce}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing ({SYNASC 2014})",
    year = "2014",
    location = "Timisoara, Romania",
    month = "September",
    pages = "333-340",
    doi = "10.1109/SYNASC.2014.52",
    isbn = "978-1-4799-8447-3",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/264121",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, model\_checking, cloud\_computing",
    language = "english"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "{VI Kangourou} dell'informatica 2013--2014",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2014",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/238045",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-37-6",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2014/libretto2014.pdf"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro and Zecca, Luisa",
    editor = {G\"ulbahar, Yasemin and Karata\c{s}, Erin\c{c}},
    title = "Extracurricular activities for improving the perception of Informatics in Secondary schools",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives",
    year = "2014",
    month = "September",
    pages = "161--172",
    publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "8730",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-09958-3\_15",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/239482",
    isbn = "978-3-319-09957-6",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Camilli, Matteo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Abdulla, P.A. and Potapov, I.",
    title = "{MaRDiGraS}: Simplified Building of Reachability Graphs on Large Clusters",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Reachability Problems {(RP 2013)}",
    year = "2013",
    address = "Heidelberg",
    month = "September",
    pages = "83--95",
    publisher = "Springer",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "8169",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-41036-9\_9",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/224871",
    isbn = "978-3-642-41035-2",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, Petri\_nets, cloud\_computing",
    language = "english",
    location = "Uppsala, Sweden"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "{V Kangourou} dell'informatica 2012--2013",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2013",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/215870",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-34-5",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2013/libretto2013.pdf"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "What you see is what you have in mind: constructing mental models for formatted text processing",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {ISSEP 2013}",
    year = "2013",
    month = "February",
    number = "6",
    pages = "139--147",
    publisher = {Universit\"atsverlag Potsdam},
    series = "Commentarii informaticae didacticae",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/217925",
    isbn = "9783869562223",
    issn = "2191-1940",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    url = "http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2013/6368/pdf/cid06.pdf"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Camilli, Matteo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Distributed {CTL} Model Checking in the Cloud",
    institution = "Cornell University",
    year = "2013",
    month = "October",
    number = "1310.6670",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, model\_checking, cloud\_computing",
    language = "english",
    url = "http://arxiv.org/abs/1310.6670"
    author = "Mehner-Heindl, Katharina and Monga, Mattia and Taentzer, Gabriele",
    editor = "Chitchyan, R. and Araujo, J. and Moreira, A. and Rashid, A.",
    title = "Analysis of Aspect-Oriented Models using Graph Transformation Systems",
    booktitle = "Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering",
    publisher = "Springer Berlin Heidelberg",
    year = "2013",
    pages = "243--270",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-38640-4\_13",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/227681",
    isbn = "978-3-642-38639-8",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop, graph\_grammars, requirements\_eng",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    editor = "Raschi, Antonio and {Di Fabio}, Annamaria and Sebastiani, Luca",
    title = "Teaching informatics for fun and profit",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Education and Guidance in Schools: The Way Forward",
    year = "2013",
    month = "October",
    organization = "ACARISS",
    pages = "125--128",
    publisher = "Edizioni {ETS}",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/229176",
    isbn = "978-88-903469-2-7",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Firenze, Italy",
    url = "http://www.acariss.it/FCKeditor/UserFiles/File/acariss/workshop/Proceedings.pdf"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "Exploring the processing of formatted texts by a kynesthetic approach",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education",
    year = "2012",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    month = "November",
    pages = "143--144",
    publisher = "ACM",
    series = "WiPSCE '12",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?6826319",
    doi = "10.1145/2481449.2481484",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/224869",
    isbn = "978-1-4503-1787-0",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Camilli, Matteo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Symbolic State Space Exploration of {RT} Systems in the Cloud",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing ({SYNASC 2012})",
    year = "2012",
    location = "Timisoara, Romania",
    month = "September",
    organization = "IEEE CS",
    pages = "295--302",
    publisher = "{IEEE} Computer Society",
    doi = "10.1109/SYNASC.2012.18",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/219107",
    isbn = "978-1-4673-5026-6",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, Petri\_nets, cloud\_computing",
    language = "english"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Malchiodi, Dario and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "Kangourou dell'Informatica 2012",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2012",
    address = "via Cavallotti 153 -- I-20052 Monza",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/203922",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-30-7",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2012/libretto2012.pdf"
    author = "Picco, Gian Pietro and Carzaniga, Antonio and Cugola, Gianpaolo and Monga, Mattia and Vigna, Giovanni",
    title = "Matin\'ee with {Carlo Ghezzi}",
    chapter = "Carlo Ghezzi and Network Computing",
    pages = "81--102",
    publisher = "CreateSpace",
    year = "2012",
    month = "June",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/173973",
    isbn = "1477562389",
    keywords = "sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    url = "https://sites.google.com/site/matineecarloghezzi/mcg.pdf"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Rebagliati, Nicola and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "Kangourou dell'Informatica 2011",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2011",
    address = "via Cavallotti 153 -- I-20052 Monza",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/160327",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-23-9",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2011/libretto2011.pdf"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "{\`E} dell'informatica il fin la meraviglia. {M}etafore per la sicurezza e sicurezza delle metafore",
    journal = "Informatica Umanistica",
    year = "2011",
    month = "April",
    pages = "83--101",
    volume = "4",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/156421",
    issn = "2035-6323",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "italian",
    publisher = "{LED} Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto",
    url = "http://www.ledonline.it/informatica-umanistica/Allegati/IU-04-10-Monga.pdf"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    editor = "Kala\v{s}, I. and Mittermeir, R.T.",
    title = "What's the Fun in Informatics? {W}orking to Capture Children and Teachers into the Pleasure of Computing",
    booktitle = "Informatics in Schools: Contributing to 21st Century Education. Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives ({ISSEP2011})",
    year = "2011",
    month = "October",
    pages = "213--224",
    publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "7013",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-24722-4\_19",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/168125",
    isbn = "978-3-642-24721-7",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english"
    author = {Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia and J{\"u}rjens, Jan},
    title = "Seventh international workshop on software engineering for secure systems: {(SESS 2011)}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 33th International Conference on Software Engineering ({ICSE})",
    year = "2011",
    pages = "1200--1201",
    publisher = "ACM",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?414107",
    doi = "10.1145/1985793.1986045",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/158907",
    isbn = "978-1-4503-0445-0",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "Honolulu, HI, USA"
    author = {Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia and J\"{u}rjens, Jan},
    title = "The 6th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems {(SESS'10)}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - Volume 2",
    year = "2010",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    pages = "433--434",
    publisher = "ACM",
    series = "ICSE '10",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?353025",
    doi = "10.1145/1810295.1810415",
    isbn = "978-1-60558-719-6",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "Cape Town, South Africa",
    numpages = "2"
    author = "Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli, Mauro",
    title = "Kangourou dell'Informatica 2010",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2010",
    address = "via Cavallotti 153 -- I-20052 Monza",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/140126",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-19-2",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2010/libretto.pdf"
    author = "Gatti, Nicola and Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    title = "Localization Security in Wireless Sensor Networks as a Non-cooperative Game",
    booktitle = "International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, 2010. {ICUMT'10}",
    year = "2010",
    address = "Moscow, Russia",
    month = "October",
    note = "Best paper award winner",
    organization = "IEEE",
    pages = "295--300",
    publisher = "IEEE",
    doi = "10.1109/ICUMT.2010.5676623",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/149476",
    isbn = "978-1-4244-7285-7",
    issn = "2157-0221",
    keywords = "security, wireless\_sensor\_networks, game\_theory",
    language = "english"
    author = "Fattori, Aristide and Paleari, Roberto and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Dynamic and Transparent Analysis of Commodity Production Systems",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 25th {IEEE/ACM} International Conference on Automated Software Engineering ({ASE 2010})",
    year = "2010",
    address = "Antwerp, Belgium",
    month = "September",
    pages = "417--426",
    publisher = "ACM",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?390808",
    doi = "10.1145/1858996.1859085",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/146889",
    isbn = "978-1-4503-0116-9",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, virtualization, debugging, os\_dev",
    language = "english"
    author = "Gatti, Nicola and Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    editor = "Alpcan, T. and Buttyan, L. and Baras, J.",
    title = "A Localization Game in Wireless Sensor Networks",
    booktitle = "Decision and Game Theory for Security",
    publisher = "Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg",
    year = "2010",
    address = "Berlin, Germany",
    month = "November",
    pages = "168--179",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "6442",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-17197-0\_11",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/148652",
    keywords = "security, wireless\_sensor\_networks, game\_theory",
    language = "english"
    author = "Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Special issue on software engineering for secure systems",
    journal = "Computers \\& Security",
    year = "2010",
    number = "3",
    pages = "299 -- 301",
    volume = "29",
    doi = "10.1016/j.cose.2010.01.003",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/140120",
    issn = "0167-4048",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, security",
    language = "english"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    editor = "Kamra, Ashish",
    title = "On the Impact of Localization Data in Wireless Sensor Networks with Malicious Nodes",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd {SIGSPATIAL} {ACM} {GIS} International Workshop on Security and Privacy in {GIS} and {LBS} ({SPRINGL'09})",
    year = "2009",
    address = "New York, NY, USA",
    month = "November",
    organization = "ACM SIGSPATIAL",
    pages = "63--70",
    publisher = "{ACM}",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?250408",
    doi = "10.1145/1667502.1667517",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/140118",
    isbn = "978-1-60558-853-7",
    keywords = "security, wireless\_sensor\_networks",
    language = "english",
    location = "Seattle, WA, USA"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Paleari, Roberto and Passerini, Emanuele",
    title = "A hybrid analysis framework for detecting web application vulnerabilities",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of fifth international workshop on software engineering for secure systems ({SESS'09})",
    year = "2009",
    month = "May",
    organization = "IEEE CS",
    pages = "25--32",
    publisher = "IEEE",
    doi = "10.1109/IWSESS.2009.5068455",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/65578",
    isbn = "978-1-4244-3725-2",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, security, web\_apps",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vancouver, BC, Canada",
    timestamp = "2009.05.20"
    editor = "Barboglio, Enrico and Carimati, Fabrizio and Compagnoni, Attilio and Filippazzi, Franco and Italiani, Mario and Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Raimondi, Roberta and Rebagliati, Nicola and Repetto, Lorenzo and Torelli., Mauro",
    title = "Testi, soluzioni e commenti della gara {K}angourou dell'Informatica 2009",
    publisher = "Edizioni Kangourou Italia",
    year = "2009",
    address = "via Cavallotti 153 -- I-20052 Monza",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/66728",
    isbn = "978-88-89249-16-1",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://kangourou.di.unimi.it/2009/libretto.pdf"
    author = "Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Special section on Software Engineering for Secure Systems {(SESS'07)}",
    journal = "Information and Software Technology",
    year = "2009",
    note = "Special Section: Software Engineering for Secure Systems -- Software Engineering for Secure Systems",
    number = "7",
    pages = "1150--1151",
    volume = "51",
    doi = "10.1016/j.infsof.2008.01.008",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/65423",
    issn = "0950-5849",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, security",
    language = "english"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    title = "Assessing Data Quality by a Cross-Layer Approach",
    booktitle = "Ultra Modern Telecommunications \\& Workshops, 2009. {ICUMT'09}. International Conference on",
    year = "2009",
    month = "October",
    organization = "{IEEE}",
    pages = "1--8",
    doi = "10.1109/ICUMT.2009.5345391",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/70202",
    isbn = "978-1-4244-3942-3",
    keywords = "security, wireless\_sensor\_networks",
    language = "english",
    location = "St.-Petersburg, Russia"
    author = "Ghezzi, Carlo and Mocci, Andrea and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Synthesizing intensional behavior models by graph transformation",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {I}nternational {C}onference of {S}oftware {E}ngineering ({ICSE'09})",
    year = "2009",
    month = "May",
    organization = "IEEE",
    pages = "430--440",
    publisher = "IEEE CS",
    doi = "10.1109/ICSE.2009.5070542",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/67303",
    isbn = "978-1-4244-3453-4",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, graph\_grammars, specification\_inference",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vancouver, Canada"
    author = "Cavallaro, Luca and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Unweaving the Impact of Aspect Changes in {AspectJ}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages workshop ({FOAL2009})",
    year = "2009",
    month = "March",
    organization = "ACM",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?010695",
    doi = "10.1145/1509837.1509842",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/57042",
    isbn = "978-1-60558-452-2",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop, impact\_change\_analysis",
    language = "english",
    location = "Charlottesville, Virginia, USA"
    author = {Mehner, Katharina and Monga, Mattia and T{\"a}ntzer, Gabriele},
    title = "Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development {V}",
    chapter = "Analysis of Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving",
    pages = "235--263",
    publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg",
    year = "2009",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "5490",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-642-02059-9\_7",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/65432",
    isbn = "978-3-642-02058-2",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop, graph\_grammars, requirements\_eng",
    language = "english"
    author = "{De Win}, Bart and Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "The Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems --- {A} Trusted Business World",
    booktitle = "ICSE Companion '08: Companion of the 30th international conference on Software engineering",
    year = "2008",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "1067--1070",
    publisher = "ACM",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?060304",
    doi = "10.1145/1370175.1370251",
    isbn = "978-1-60558-079-1",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "Leipzig, Germany"
    author = "Cavallaro, Lorenzo and Lanzi, Andrea and Mayer, Luca and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "{LISABETH}: Automated Content-Based Signature Generator for Zero-day Polymorphic Worms",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems {(SESS'08)}",
    year = "2008",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "41--48",
    publisher = "ACM",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?062218",
    doi = "10.1145/1370905.1370911",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/39758",
    isbn = "978-1-60558-042-5",
    keywords = "security, intrusion\_detection",
    language = "english",
    location = "Leipzig, Germany"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Raimondi, Roberta and Torelli, Mauro",
    editor = "Andronico, Alfio and Roselli, Teresa and Rossano, Veronica",
    title = "Primi salti del {K}angourou dell'informatica",
    booktitle = "{DIDAMATICA 2008} --- Informatica per la didattica",
    year = "2008",
    month = "April",
    organization = "AICA",
    pages = "65--70",
    publisher = "Giuseppe Laterza, Bari",
    file = "didamatica08.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/39760",
    isbn = "978-88-8231-456-9",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "italian",
    location = "Taranto, Italy"
    author = "Lissoni, Angelo and Lonati, Violetta and Monga, Mattia and Morpurgo, Anna and Torelli, Mauro",
    editor = "Cortesi, Agostino and Luccio, Flaminia",
    title = "Working for a leap in the general perception of computing",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe {III}",
    year = "2008",
    month = "December",
    organization = "ACM -- IFIP",
    pages = "134--139",
    file = "ieeiii08.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/50868",
    isbn = "978-88-903433-0-8",
    keywords = "cs\_education",
    language = "english",
    location = "Venice, Italy",
    url = "http://www.dsi.unive.it/IEEIII/atti/PROCEEDINGS\_IEEIII08.pdf"
    author = "Baresi, Luciano and Ghezzi, Carlo and Mocci, Andrea and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Ermel, Claudia and Heckel, Reiko and de Lara, Juan",
    title = "Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques {(GT-VMT 2008)}",
    year = "2008",
    month = "March",
    organization = "EASST",
    pages = "277--290",
    publisher = "European Association of Software Science and Technology",
    series = "Electronic Communications of the EASST",
    volume = "X",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/55382",
    issn = "1863-2122",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, graph\_grammars, sw\_specification",
    language = "english",
    location = "Budapest, Hungary",
    url = "http://journal.ub.tu-berlin.de/eceasst/article/viewFile/155/155"
    author = "Paleari, Roberto and Marrone, Davide and Bruschi, Danilo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Zamboni, Diego",
    title = "On Race Vulnerabilities in Web Applications",
    booktitle = "Detection of Intrusions and Malware \\& Vulnerability Assessment {DIMVA'08}",
    year = "2008",
    month = "July",
    pages = "126--142",
    publisher = "Springer Berlin / Heidelberg",
    series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    volume = "5137",
    doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-70542-0\_7",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/43527",
    isbn = "978-3-540-70541-3",
    keywords = "security, web\_apps",
    language = "english",
    location = "Paris, France"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Code Normalization for Self-Mutating Malware",
    journal = "IEEE Security \\& Privacy",
    year = "2007",
    month = "March",
    number = "2",
    pages = "46--54",
    volume = "5",
    doi = "10.1109/MSP.2007.31",
    issn = "1540-7993",
    keywords = "security, malware",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and {De Win}, Bart and Lee, Seok-Won and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "The 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems {SESS07} --- Dependable and secure",
    booktitle = "ICSE COMPANION '07: Companion to the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering",
    year = "2007",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "111--112",
    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?800924",
    doi = "10.1109/ICSECOMPANION.2007.75",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/33855",
    isbn = "0-7695-2892-9",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "Minneapolis, MN, USA"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Using a Stochastic Well-Formed Net model for assessing a decentralized approach to configuration management",
    journal = "Performance Evaluation Journal",
    year = "2007",
    month = "March",
    number = "3",
    pages = "229--246",
    volume = "64",
    doi = "10.1016/j.peva.2006.04.001",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/30338",
    issn = "0166-5316",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer, Petri\_nets, performance\_evaluation",
    language = "english",
    owner = "monga"
    author = "Grasso, Luigi and Monga, Mattia and Pagani, Margherita and Ripamonti, {Laura Anna}",
    title = "Alla sorgente del codice",
    journal = "N{\`o}va24 Review",
    year = "2007",
    month = "April",
    number = "2",
    pages = "35--50",
    volume = "XVI",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/30605",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, open\_source",
    language = "italian"
    author = "Ghezzi, Carlo and Mocci, Andrea and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Efficient recovery of algebraic specifications for stateful components",
    booktitle = "IWPSE '07: Ninth international workshop on Principles of software evolution",
    year = "2007",
    month = "September",
    pages = "98--105",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?928689",
    doi = "10.1145/1294948.1294972",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/39727",
    isbn = "978-1-59593-722-3",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, sw\_evolution, algebraic\_specifications",
    language = "english",
    location = "Dubrovnik, Croatia"
    author = "Lanzi, Andrea and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia and Paleari, Roberto",
    title = "A Smart Fuzzer for x86 Executables",
    booktitle = "{SESS'07}: Proceedings of the 3$^{rd}$ International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems",
    year = "2007",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
    doi = "10.1109/SESS.2007.1",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/39734",
    isbn = "0-7695-2952-6",
    keywords = "security, vulnerability\_assessment",
    language = "english",
    location = "Minneapolis, MN, USA"
    author = "Marchetto, Alessandro and Monga, Mattia and Trentini, Andrea",
    title = "Weighing the impact of {ICT} on ``modular'' {SMEs}",
    booktitle = "Conference on Exploring Quantifiable Information Technology Yields",
    year = "2007",
    month = "March",
    organization = "IEEE Computer Society",
    pages = "63-72",
    doi = "10.1109/EQUITY.2007.15",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, information\_systems",
    language = "english",
    location = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"
    author = "{Castaldo D'Ursi}, Antonio and Cavallaro, Luca and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "On bytecode slicing and {AspectJ} interferences",
    booktitle = "{FOAL'07}: Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Foundations of aspect-oriented languages",
    year = "2007",
    month = "March",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "35--43",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    series = "{ACM} International Conference Proceedings Series",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?960776",
    doi = "10.1145/1233833.1233839",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/39731",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada"
    author = "{Di Nitto}, Elisabetta and Mainetti, Luca and Monga, Mattia and Sbattella, Licia and Tedesco, Roberto",
    title = "Supporting Interoperability and Reusability of Learning Objects: The {Virtual Campus} approach",
    journal = "Journal of Educational Technology \\& Society",
    year = "2006",
    note = "Special Issue on ``Interoperability of Educational Systems''",
    number = "2",
    pages = "33--50",
    volume = "9",
    file = "vcjournal.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/22121",
    issn = "1176-3647",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, e-learning",
    language = "english",
    url = "http://www.ifets.info/journals/9\_2/4.pdf"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Supporting cooperative software processes in a decentralized and nomadic world",
    journal = "IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans",
    year = "2006",
    month = "November",
    number = "6",
    pages = "1098--1109",
    volume = "36",
    doi = "10.1109/TSMCA.2006.883165",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/22133",
    issn = "1083-4427",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer",
    language = "english"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and {De Win}, Bart and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Introduction to Software Engineering for Secure Systems --- {S}ecure by Design",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {SESS'06}",
    year = "2006",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "1--2",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?810417",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/30832",
    isbn = "1-59593-085-X/06/0005",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, security",
    language = "english",
    location = "Shanghai, China"
    author = {Mehner, Katharina and Monga, Mattia and T{\"a}ntzer, Gabriele},
    title = "Interaction Analysis in Aspect-Oriented Models",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of 14th International Requirements Engineering Conference {RE'06}",
    year = "2006",
    month = "September",
    pages = "66--75",
    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
    doi = "10.1109/RE.2006.35",
    file = "re06.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/30394",
    issn = "1090-705X",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop, requirements\_eng, graph\_grammars",
    language = "english",
    location = "Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and Monga, Mattia and Sicari, Sabrina",
    editor = "Gollmann, Dieter and Massacci, Fabio and Yautsiukhin, Artsiom",
    title = "Assessing the risk of using vulnerable components",
    booktitle = "Quality of Protection: Security Measurements and Metrics",
    publisher = "Springer",
    year = "2006",
    address = "New York",
    month = "June",
    pages = "65--78",
    series = "Advances in Information Security",
    volume = "23",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/30397",
    isbn = "978-0-387-29016-4",
    keywords = "security, risk\_assessment",
    language = "english"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Trentini, Andrea",
    title = "Weighing the value of changeability in {Open Source Software}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Evaluation Frameworks for Open Source Software ({EFOSS})",
    year = "2006",
    month = "June",
    file = "efoss2006.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/54829",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, open\_source",
    language = "english",
    location = "Como, Italy"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Using Code Normalization for Fighting Self-Mutating Malware",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {I}nternational {S}ymposium on {S}ecure {S}oftware {E}ngineering",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/429696",
    year = "2006",
    month = "March",
    organization = "IEEE",
    file = "issse06.pdf",
    keywords = "security, malware",
    language = "english",
    location = "Washington, DC, USA"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and {De Win}, Bart and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Software Engineering for Secure Systems",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering ({ICSE})",
    year = "2006",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "1007--1008",
    file = "icse06.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/14571",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "Shanghai, China"
    author = "Cantone, Giovanni and Ferrari, Massimo and Monga, Mattia and Natale, Rosalba and Pinelli, Nicola",
    title = "I nuovi strumenti {e-Learning/FaD} per la formazione in sanit{\`a }",
    chapter = "Modello di valutazione guidato da obiettivi e vincoli. Elementi di verifica del modello di valutazione.",
    pages = "258--261",
    publisher = "Iniziative Sanitarie",
    year = "2006",
    address = "Roma",
    month = "May",
    number = "3",
    series = "fiasobook",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, e-learning",
    language = "italian"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = {B{\"u}schkes, R. and Laskov, P.},
    title = "Detecting Self-Mutating Malware Using Control-Flow Graph Matching",
    booktitle = "Detection of Intrusions and Malware \\& Vulnerability Assessment",
    publisher = "Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg",
    year = "2006",
    address = "Berlin, Germany",
    pages = "129--143",
    series = "LNCS",
    volume = "4064",
    doi = "10.1007/11790754\_8",
    file = "dimva06.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/20142",
    isbn = "978-3-540-36014-8",
    issn = "0302-9743",
    keywords = "security, malware",
    language = "english"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and {Castaldo D'Ursi}, Antonio and Cavallaro, Luca and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Slicing {AspectJ} Woven Code",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages workshop ({FOAL2005})",
    year = "2005",
    month = "March",
    file = "foal05.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10544",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Chicago, IL (USA)"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and {De Win}, Bart and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Software Engineering for Secure Systems --- {B}uilding Trustworthy Applications",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering ({ICSE})",
    year = "2005",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    file = "sess05.pdf",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    location = "St. Louis, MO (USA)"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and {De Win}, Bart and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Software engineering for secure systems",
    journal = "SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes",
    year = "2005",
    number = "4",
    pages = "1--2",
    volume = "30",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?878019",
    doi = "10.1145/1082983.1082996",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6430",
    issn = "0163-5948",
    keywords = "security, sw\_eng",
    language = "english",
    publisher = "ACM Press"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Aspect-oriented Programming as Model Driven Evolution",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution workshop ({LATE})",
    year = "2005",
    month = "March",
    file = "late05.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Chicago, IL (USA)"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Monga, Mattia and Rosti, Emilia",
    title = "Trusted Internet Forensics: design of a network forensics appliance",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the First {IEEE}/{CreateNet} Computer Network Forensics Research",
    year = "2005",
    month = "September",
    organization = "IEEE",
    publisher = "IEEE",
    doi = "10.1109/SECCMW.2005.1588292",
    file = "cnfr6.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/7819",
    isbn = "0-7803-9469-0",
    keywords = "security, computer\_forensics",
    language = "english",
    location = "Athens, Greece"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Scotto, Angelo",
    title = "A Generic Serializer for Mobile Devices",
    booktitle = "{SAC}\textasciitilde '05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing",
    year = "2005",
    month = "March",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "981--985",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?866414",
    doi = "10.1145/1066677.1066904",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6442",
    isbn = "1-58113-964-0",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, mobile\_computing",
    language = "english",
    location = "Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Cavallaro, Lorenzo and Lanzi, Andrea and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Replay Attack in {TCG} Specification and Solution",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {ACSAC}\textasciitilde 2005",
    year = "2005",
    month = "December",
    organization = "ACSA",
    pages = "127--137",
    publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
    volume = "10",
    doi = "10.1109/CSAC.2005.47",
    file = "acsac2005.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/140116",
    issn = "1063-9527",
    keywords = "security, trusted\_computing",
    language = "english",
    location = "Tucson, AZ (USA)"
    author = "Cesarini, Mirko and Monga, Mattia and Tedesco, Roberto",
    title = "Carrying on the e-Learning process with a Workflow Management Engine",
    booktitle = "{SAC}\textasciitilde '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing",
    year = "2004",
    month = "March",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "940--945",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?705861",
    doi = "10.1145/967900.968091",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6166",
    isbn = "1-58113-812-1",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, e-learning",
    language = "english",
    location = "Nicosia, Cyprus"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Quantitative assessment of a peer-to-peer cooperative infrastructure using Stochastic Well-Formed Nets",
    journal = "Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Sciences",
    year = "2005",
    number = "4",
    pages = "59--77",
    volume = "128",
    doi = "10.1016/j.entcs.2005.01.013",
    file = "pasm04.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6236",
    issn = "1571-0661",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer, Petri\_nets",
    language = "english"
    author = "Cesarini, Mirko and Mazzoni, Paolo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Learning Objects and Tests",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the {IASTED} International Conference on Web-Based Education",
    year = "2004",
    month = "February",
    organization = "IASTED",
    file = "wbe04.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10659",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, e-learning",
    language = "english",
    location = "Innsbruck, Austria"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Feller, Joseph and Fitzgerald, Brian and Hissam, Scott and Lakhani, Karim",
    title = "From Bazaar to Kibbutz: How Freedom Deals with Coherence in the {D}ebian Project",
    booktitle = "Collaboration, Conflict and Control: The 4th Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering",
    year = "2004",
    month = "May",
    pages = "71--75",
    publisher = "IEE",
    doi = "10.1049/ic:20040268",
    file = "oss-icse04.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10519",
    isbn = "0-86341-423-0",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, open\_source",
    language = "english",
    location = "Edinburgh, UK"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Monga, Mattia and Rosti, Emilia",
    editor = "Pozzi, Pieraugusto and Masotti, Roberto and Bozzetti, Marco",
    title = "L'evoluzione della sicurezza informatica: la prospettiva del {CERT-IT}",
    booktitle = "Crimine virtuale, minaccia reale. {ICT} {S}ecurity: politiche e strumenti di prevenzione",
    publisher = "FrancoAngeli",
    year = "2004",
    pages = "181--186",
    series = "{FTI} Forum per la tecnologia dell'informazione",
    volume = "571.2.7",
    file = "fti2004.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6146",
    keywords = "security",
    language = "italian",
    location = "Milano, Italy"
    author = "Bruschi, Danilo and Martignoni, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "How to Reuse Knowledge about Forensic Investigations",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Digital Forensic Research Workshop",
    year = "2004",
    month = "August",
    file = "dfrws04.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10667",
    keywords = "security, computer\_forensics",
    language = "english",
    location = "Baltimore, MD, USA"
    author = "Bellettini, Carlo and Capra, Lorenzo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "{De Lucia}, Andrea and Gall, Harald C. and Dustdar, Schahram",
    title = "A comparative assessment of peer-to-peer and server-based configuration management systems",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Cooperative Support for Distributed Software Engineering Processes ({CSSE'04})",
    year = "2004",
    month = "September",
    pages = "15--26",
    publisher = "Austrian Computer Society",
    file = "ase04.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6130",
    isbn = "3-85403-180-7",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer, Petri\_nets",
    language = "english",
    location = "Linz, Austria"
    author = "Casero, Riccardo and Cesarini, Mirko and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Managing Code Dependencies in {C\\#}",
    journal = "Journal of Object Technology",
    year = "2004",
    note = "Special issue: {.NET}: The Programmer's Perspective: ECOOP Workshop 2003",
    number = "2",
    pages = "47--55",
    volume = "3",
    file = "jot2004.pdf",
    issn = "1660-1769",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, sw\_evolution",
    language = "english",
    url = "http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue\_2004\_02/article5/"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "On Aspect-Oriented Approaches",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the European Interactive Workshop on Aspects in Software ({EIWAS'04})",
    year = "2004",
    month = "September",
    organization = "German Informatics Society",
    file = "eiwas04.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Berlin, Germany"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = {Clifton, Curtis and L{\"a}mmel, Ralf and Leavens, Gary T.},
    title = "Using Program Slicing to Analyze Aspect-Oriented Composition",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Foundations of Aspect-Oriented Languages Workshop at {AOSD} 2004",
    year = "2004",
    month = "March",
    pages = "25--29",
    publisher = "Iowa State University",
    file = "foal2004.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10483",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Lancaster, UK"
    author = "Blair, Lynne and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Reasoning on {AspectJ} Programmes",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development",
    year = "2003",
    month = "March",
    organization = "German Informatics Society",
    pages = "45--50",
    file = "gi-aosd.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Essen, Germany"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Horiguchi, Susumu and Ochimizu, Koichiro and Katayama, Takuya",
    title = "Supporting Nomadic Co-Workers: an Experience with a Peer-To-Peer Configuration Management Tool",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Towards Peta-Bit Ultra-Networks",
    year = "2003",
    month = "September",
    note = "Invited paper",
    organization = "IEEE",
    pages = "79--87",
    publisher = "A \\& I Ltd., Tokyo",
    file = "pbit2003.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/10590",
    isbn = "4-9900330-3-5",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer",
    language = "english",
    location = "Ishikawa, Japan"
    author = "Casero, Riccardo and Cesarini, Mirko and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Managing Code Dependencies in {C\\#}",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {ECOOP} 2003 {.NET}: The Programmer's Perspective",
    year = "2003",
    month = "July",
    file = "ecoop2003.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/6055",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, sw\_evolution",
    language = "english",
    location = "Darmstadt, Germany"
    author = "Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Una valutazione dell'{eXtreme Programming}: programmazione estrema o revisionismo estremista?",
    journal = "Mondo Digitale",
    year = "2002",
    month = "December",
    number = "4",
    pages = "3--14",
    volume = "1",
    file = "xp-md.pdf",
    handle = "http://hdl.handle.net/2434/22921",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, extreme\_programming",
    language = "italian",
    url = "http://www.mondodigitale.net/Rivista/02\_numero\_quattro/Ghezzi-Monga.pdf"
    author = "Mainetti, Luca and Monga, Mattia and Sbattella, Licia",
    title = "A Virtual Campus For Tethered And Untehered Scenarios",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of Frontiers in Education",
    year = "2002",
    month = "November",
    pages = "T3F-11--T3F-12",
    publisher = "IEEE",
    volume = "1",
    file = "fie2002.pdf",
    inspec = "7580824",
    isbn = "0-7803-7444-4",
    issn = "0190-5848",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, e-learning",
    language = "english",
    location = "Boston, MA (USA)",
    url = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/8181/24585/01157980.pdf"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Supporting Configuration Management for Virtual Workgroups in a Peer-to-Peer Setting",
    booktitle = "{SEKE}\textasciitilde '02: Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Software engineering and knowledge engineering",
    year = "2002",
    month = "July",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "507--511",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?47366",
    isbn = "1-58113-556-4",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer",
    language = "english",
    location = "Ischia, Italy"
    author = "Balzarotti, Davide and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Gregori, Enrico and Cherkasova, Ludmila and Cugola, Gianpaolo and Panzieri, Fabio and Picco, Gian Pietro",
    title = "Freeing Cooperation From Servers Tyranny",
    booktitle = "Web Engineering and Peer-to-Peer Computing",
    publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
    year = "2002",
    pages = "235--246",
    series = "LNCS",
    volume = "2376",
    file = "p2p.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, configuration\_mgtm, peer-to-peer",
    language = "english"
    author = "Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Fostering Component Evolution with {C\\#} Attributes",
    booktitle = "{IWPSE}\textasciitilde '02: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution",
    year = "2002",
    month = "May",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "22--28",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?26549",
    doi = "10.1145/512035.512041",
    isbn = "1-58113-545-9",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, sw\_evolution",
    language = "english",
    location = "Orlando, Florida"
    author = "Denaro, Giovanni and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Verifying Deadlock Proneness of Aspect Based Components",
    booktitle = "Workshop su Sistemi Distribuiti: Algoritmi, Architetture e Linguaggi {WSDAAL}",
    year = "2001",
    month = "September",
    file = "wsdaal01.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Como, Italy"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Towards Software Components for Non Functional Aspects",
    school = "Politecnico di Milano",
    year = "2001",
    address = "Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, I 20133 Milan, Italy",
    month = "January",
    type = "{PhD} Program in Computer and Automation Engineering",
    file = "monga.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english"
    author = "Denaro, Giovanni and Monga, Mattia",
    editor = "Tamai, T. and Aoyama, M. and Bennett, K.",
    title = "An Experience on Verification of Aspect Properties",
    booktitle = "{IWPSE}\textasciitilde '01: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution",
    year = "2001",
    month = "September",
    organization = "ACM",
    pages = "186--189",
    publisher = "ACM Press",
    acmdl = "http://dl.acm.org/authorize?668477",
    doi = "10.1145/602461.602506",
    isbn = "1-58113-508-4",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Vienna, Austria"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Ad-hoc Constructs For Non Functional Aspects",
    booktitle = "{WSDAAL} (Workshop su Sistemi Distribuiti: Algoritmi, Architetture e Linguaggi)",
    year = "2000",
    month = "September",
    file = "wsdaal00.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Ischia, Italy"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "A Dynamo for Computers: How Open Source Can Help Software Markets",
    institution = "{P}olitecnico di {M}ilano, {D}ipartimento di {E}lettronica e {I}nformazione",
    year = "2000",
    address = "Piazza {L}eonardo da {V}inci 32, I 20133 {M}ilan, {I}taly",
    month = "August",
    number = "2000.28",
    file = "tr2000-28.pdf",
    keywords = "open\_source",
    language = "english"
    author = "Cugola, Gianpaolo and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia and Picco, {Gian Pietro}",
    title = "{Malaj}: A Proposal to Eliminate Clashes Between Aspect-Oriented and Object-Oriented Programming",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}oftware: {T}heory and {P}ractice",
    year = "2000",
    month = "August",
    file = "ics2000.pdf",
    isbn = "7-5053-6110-4",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Bejing, China",
    owner = "monga"
    author = "Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Concern Specific Aspect-Oriented Programming with {M}alaj",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of {W}orkshop on {M}ulti-{D}imensional {S}eparation of {C}oncerns in {S}oftware {E}ngineering",
    year = "2000",
    month = "June",
    pages = "127--134",
    file = "icse2000.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Limerick, Ireland"
    author = "Cugola, Gianpaolo and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Coding Different Design Paradigms for Distributed Applications with Aspect-Oriented Programming",
    booktitle = "Workshop su Sistemi Distribuiti: Algoritmi, Architetture e Linguaggi {WSDAAL}",
    year = "1999",
    month = "September",
    file = "wsdaal99.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "L'Aquila, Italy",
    owner = "monga"
    author = "Cugola, Gianpaolo and Ghezzi, Carlo and Monga, Mattia",
    title = "Language Support for Evolvable Software: An Initial Assessment of Aspect-Oriented Programming",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of International Workshop on the Principles of Software Evolution {IWPSE}",
    year = "1999",
    month = "July",
    file = "iwpse99.pdf",
    keywords = "sw\_eng, aop",
    language = "english",
    location = "Fukuoka, Japan",
    owner = "monga"
    author = "Monga, Mattia and Novelli, Sergio",
    title = "{O}missys: Managing Temporal Information in Multi-model Diagnosis",
    school = "Politecnico di Milano",
    year = "1996",
    address = "Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, I 20133 Milan, Italy",
    month = "June",
    __markedentry = "[monga:]",
    keywords = "artificial\_intelligence, expert\_systems",
    language = "italian"