PhD Course: Modeling, Analysis and optimization of Networks
(A. Ceselli)
Lecture topics and slides (part 1: flows)
- Lecture 1. Introduction. Modeling with flows. Applications. Slides .
- Lecture 2. Flow algorithms and combinatorial properties of flows (1). Slides .
- Lecture 3. Flow algorithms and combinatorial properties of flows (2). Slides .
- Lecture 4. Min cost flow problems and applications. Slides . Lab session: solving flow problems with GLPK. Data for Max Flow experiments .
Lecture topics and slides (part 2: design)
- Lectures 1 - 2. Introduction. Network connections, components and trees. Applications. Slides .
- Lecture 3. Modeling and solving location problems. Slides .
- Lecture 4. Location problems taxonomy through modeling practice. Some CFLP example data, a sample Julia reading procedure. The lecture whiteboard notes and the corresponding Julia/JuMP models tutorial. Steiner Trees and Forests. Slides . A nice historical perspective on Steiner Problems.
- The GNU linear programming toolkit and its windows pre-compiled binaries ; offers a very flexible framework for flow modeling.
- A few IDE suggestions.
- A nice windows IDE.
- The LEMON libraries; allow efficient embedding of flow and cut computations in your applications.
- The AMPL framework for modeling and solving optimization problems.
- The Julia framework IDE for programming and data analysis.
- J. Kleinberg, E. Tardos, Algorithm Design. Pearson, 2014.
- R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti, J.B. Orlin, Network Flows. Theory, algorithms and applications. Prentice Hall, 1993.
- L. A. Wolsey Integer Programming Wiley, 1998.
- V. Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms Springer, 2003.