
General Informations

Teacher: A. Ceselli
Course schedule:Tuesday 9.00 - 11.00 Room '3-nord'; Tuesday 11.00 - 13.00 Room '3-nord'
Tutoring:after each lecture, or by appointment (send me an email)

Homepage of previous editions

The homepage of the 2012-13 edition of the course , homepage of the 2013-14 edition of the course , and the homepage of the 2014-15 edition of the course are still online.

Lectures support

Lecture topics and slides (2016)

Disclaimer: the slides in many lectures are adapted from those of the book "Data Mining: concepts and techniques" by J. Han, M. Kamber and J. Pei (3rd edition) (see second slide of each file for proper reference). Please, report me any error and typo you find in the slides.

Pointers to related material

Details about the exam (starting from a.y. 2017/2018)

The course exam is composed by three parts: written theory, practical project and oral theory. Practical project and oral theory are optional. The final evaluation is the sum of scores obtained in the parts which are undertaken, or FAIL if a FAIL score is incurred in any part (that is, a single FAIL yields an overall FAIL). If the sum is below 18, the overall result is FAIL. If the sum is above 30, the overall result is 30. The teacher may assign honors when the overall result is 30, independently on the sum of scores (that is, obtaining 31 or more does not necessarily grant honors).
It goes without saying that the above are general guidelines to sketch the evaluation process, but (as in all university exams in Italy) the teacher has the final responsibility of choosing an appropriate score for the student, that might also differ from the sum of single scores.

Previous written exam questions:

Further guidelines: In general, take into account that the exam is not a sports competition, for which strict scoring rules would be needed, and the teacher is not a judge blindly applying these rules. There are no rankings with winners and losers. The teacher is ready to acknowledge and evaluate shades of gray. Just prepare at the best of your skills, and be confident that the exam is designed to provide a fair evaluation.