Design e sviluppo di un sistema distribuito avanzato per verifiche di security assurance
Le nuove tecnologie edge, cloud e ibride stanno rivoluzionando il modo in cui le organizzazioni gestiscono le proprie risorse informatiche. La flessibilità e l’elasticità offerte dai servizi cloud permettono di ridurre i costi e di aumentare l’efficienza, ma al contempo introducono nuove sfide in termini di sicurezza e compliance.
Alex Della Bruna
Nicola Bena
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Completed Theses
Alex Della Bruna
Design e sviluppo di una soluzione per la valutazione di sistemi distribuiti
Le moderne architetture distribuite, caratterizzate da decentralizzazione e dalla suddivisione in microservizi, pongono sfide rilevanti nella valutazione del comportamento del sistema. Data la complessità introdotta da tali architetture, vengono richiesti sistemi di monitoraggio avanzati in grado di verificare Proprietà Non-Funzionali per valutare il comportamento dell’infrastruttura.
Enea Manzi
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Completed Theses
Enea Manzi
Monitoring and Anomaly Detection in Distributed Systems: A Scalable Real-Time Solution
Distributed systems have become one of the pillars of modern computing, creating the backbone for technologies like cloud computing and the Internet of Things, while supporting many of the services that run on the Internet.
Salvatore Rendo
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Salvatore Rendo
Assurance and Edge Computing in 5G Networks: Synergies and Challenges in the Era of Advanced Connection
The advent of 5G networks has revolutionized wireless communication, offering unprecedented speed, reliability, and capacity. This advancement enables transformative use cases, such as Internet of Things (IoT) applications and satellite-based 5G communication, which extend connectivity into remote and rural areas.
Tiziano Salvi
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Completed Theses
Tiziano Salvi
An observability-based assurance model for non-functional properties
In the constantly evolving landscape of continuously integrated cloud-native applications, the process of security assurance has a consistently increasing importance. In order to ensure that systems are secure and behave as expected, the assurance process has to be included in the whole software lifecycle, from development to operations.
Alessandro Pinna
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Completed Theses
Alessandro Pinna
Monitoring of services in distributed Cloud-ready environments
An overview on cloud native application monitoring techniques, current standards and applicable solutions
2024-05-28 11:30 — 12:30
Aula 304 Settore didattico Celoria, UniMI
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Assessing Cybersecurity of Public Safety Infrastructure
Discussing the importance of cybersecurity for sensor-based public safety systems and introducing Moon Cloud and the MUSA frameworks for managing security in distributed ICT infrastructures
2024-05-14 — 2024-05-15
Washigton, DC, USA
Filippo Berto
Marco Anisetti
Claudio A. Ardagna