Security in Cloud

We aim to create probes to verify certain security aspects of AWS. Our scripts will gather information from AWS services and will be used as data sources for analysis.

We are in the preliminary stages of our research and are currently exploring what is available and how we can utilise it.

The project will cover the major security, monitoring and compliance components of AWS, i.e. CloudWatch, IAM, Cognito, GuardDuty, Inspector, etc.

We have launched a course on AWS Academy so that you can freely experiment with the AWS security services, and other more specific courses on the various services and security aspects are available.

If you are interested in collaborating, please contact either myself or Prof. Anisetti.

Filippo Berto
Filippo Berto
Post-doc Researcher

My research interests include Cybersecurity, Computer Networks, Edge-Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems.