The 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering
for Secure Systems (SESS07)
Dependable and secure
Preliminary program
May 19
Session chair: Bart De Win, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- 14:00
- Introduction to the workshop
- 14:15
- Thomas Raffetseder, Engin Kirda, and Christopher
Kruegel. Building anti-phishing browser plug-ins: An
experience report.
- 15:00
- Xuandong Li Linzhang Wang. A threat model driven
approach for security testing.
- 15:30
- Coffee break
- 16:00
- Andrea Lanzi, Lorenzo Martignoni, Mattia Monga,
and Roberto Paleari. A smart fuzzer for x86
- 16:45
- Evan
Martin and Tao Xie. Automated test generation for
access control policies via change-impact analysis.
May 20
Session chair: Seok-Won Lee, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte
- 9:00
- Invited talk: Jan Jürjens, The Open
University, UK - "Model-based Security Engineering: Models
vs. Code"
- 10:30
- Coffee break
- 11:00
- Dries Vanoverberghe and Frank Piessens. Supporting security
monitor-aware development.
- 11:45
- Kun
Xiao, Nianen Chen, Shangping Ren, Limin Shen, Xianhe Sun, Kevin
Kwiat, and Michael Macalik. A workflow-based non-intrusive
approach for enhancing the survivability of critical infrastructures
in cyber environment.
- 12:30
- Lunch break
Session chair: Mattia Monga, Università degli Studi di
Milano, Italy
- 14:00
- Thomas Heyman, Koen Yskout, Riccardo Scandariato, and Wouter Joosen. An analysis of the security patterns landscape.
- 14:45
- Johan Gregoire, Koen Buyens, Bart De Win, Riccardo
Scandariato, and Wouter Joosen. On the secure software engineering process: CLASP and SDL compared.
- 15:30
- Coffee break
- 16:00
- Seok-Won Lee, Robin Gandhi, and Siddharth Wagle.
Towards a requirements-driven workbench for supporting
software certification and accreditation.
- 16:30
- Stephen Thomas and Laurie Williams. Using automated fix generation to secure SQL statements.
- 17:00
- Final discussion
Mattia Monga
Last modified: mar apr 4 17:09:28 CEST 2006