Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS06)
Secure by Design
Preliminary program
May 20
Papers (30 minutes + 10 Q&A)
- 9:15
- Introduction to the workshop
- 9:45
- Shanai Ardi, David Byers, and Nahid
Towards a structured unified process for
software security Slides
- 10:30
- Coffee break
- 11:00
- Martin Naedele and Thomas Koch.
and tamper-proof software delivery Slides
- 11:45
- Discussion
- 12:30
- Lunch
- 14:00
- Charles B. Haley, Jonathan D. Moett, Robin
Laney, and Bashar Nuseibeh.
A framework for security
requirements engineering. Slides
- 14:40
- Seok-Won Lee, Robin Gandhi, Divya
Muthurajan, Deepak Yavagal, and Gail-Joon Ahn.
problem domain ontology from security requirements in regulatory
documents. Slides
- 15:30
- Coffee break
- 16:00
- Gustav Boström, Jaana Wäyrynen,
Konstantin Beznosov, Marine Bodén, and Philippe
Extending XP practices to support security
requirements engineering.
- 16:45
- Discussion
May 21
Invited talk
- 9:00
- Zhendong Su, University of
California at Davis.
Invited talk:Web Application Security:
Software Engineering Challenges and Opportunities Slides
- 10:00
- Discussion
- 10:30
- Coffee break
Papers (30 minutes + 10 Q&A)
- 11:00
- Shin Nakajima and Tetsuo Tamai.
specification and analysis of JAAS framework. Slides
- 11:45
- Marco Rolando, Matteo Rossi, Niccolò
Sanarico, and Dino Mandrioli.
A formal approach to
sensor placement and configuration in a network intrusion
detection system. Slides
- 12:30
- Lunch
- 14:00
- Bart De Win, Frank Piessens, and Wouter
How secure is AOP and what can we do about
- 14:40
- Kung Chen and Ju-Bing Chen.
instrumenting obfuscated java bytecode with aspects. Slides
- 15:00
- Coffee break
- 15:30
- Discussion and students' extravaganza
- 16:30
- Closing remarks
Mattia Monga
Last modified: mar apr 4 17:09:28 CEST 2006