Main Projects with external funding @AIS-Lab

Current main projects at AIS-Lab:

  • Essense (Empathic platform to personally monitor, Stimulate, enrich, and aSsist Elders aNd Children in their Environment), H2020 framework, contract N. 101016112,Objective SC1-PHE-CORONAVIRUS-2020-2B. 1st November 2020 - 31st October 2022. Role: Principal investigator for partner UMIL. Total amount of the grant: 3,204,573.50 Euros, grant for UMIL: 448,362.50 Euros.

    Past projects (since 2000):

  • SI-Robotics (Invecchiamento sano e attivo attraverso SocIal ROBOTICS). Cluster Tecnologie per gli Ambienti di vita. Progetti PNR 2015-2020 del MIUR. 1st January 2019 - 30th June 2021. Role: partner - principal investigator of UMIL. Project Coordinator.Total amount of the grant: 4,506,818.49 Euros, grant for UMIL: 94,000 Euros.
  • Movecare: Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARegiver for the Elder. H2020 framework, contract N. 732158, Objective ICT-26b-2016 System abilities, development and pilot installations. 1st January 2017 - 31st December 2019. Role: Project coordinator, and Principal investigator for UMIL. Total amount of the grant: 5,933,611 € Euros, grant for UMIL: 665,490.18 €.
  • At home Rehabilitation for balancing in people affected by Multiple Sclerosis: pilot study with an ICT platform, personalized exergames, real-time monitoring and remote supervision. Grant from Merck. 1st April 2017-31 March 2018. Role: Principal investigator of UMIL. Project Coordinator Neurological Institute Besta, Milan. Total grant: 39,600 Euros, funding for UMIL 9,200 Euros.
  • Attuation of an intervention model aimed at empowerment and adherence to cure pathways of fragile elder people discharged from the hospital. Funding agency: Cariplo Foundation. 1st April 2017-31 March 2018. Role: partner - principal investigator of UMIL Project Coordinator Institute Mario Negri, Milan. Total funding 55,000 Euros, funding for UMIL 10,860 Euros.
  • Rewire. Rehabilitative Wayout In Responsive home Environments. Project funded by the EC under the FP7 framework, contract N. 287713, Objective ICT-2011.5.1: Personal Health Systems (PHS). 1st October 2011 - 31th December 2014. Role: Project coordinator, and Principal investigator for UMIL. Total cost: 3,558,902.00 Euros, total amount of the grant: 2,730,000.00 Euros, grant for UMIL: 389,476.00 Euros.
  • Rehabilitation Robotics. Cost Action TD-1006. 1.10.2011 - 31.03.2015. Participation to meetings and associated conferences fully covered.
  • Multiband Spectroscopy. Elaborazione di algoritmi per identificazione di materiale a partire da immagini spettroscopiche multibanda. Financed by Alta-Lab s.r.l.. Role: Principal investigator. Total: 10,000 Euros. 
  • Local tomography. Definition of new acquisition geometries and software for data processing and 3D tomography from projections. Funded by CEFLA sc. 2012. Role: Principal investigator. Total grant 12,000.00 Euro.
  • FitRehab. Project funded by the EC under the InterRegIVC program (Innovation4Welfare), contract N. 0120R1/ID N.17. May 2010-Oct 2011. Project coordinator, and Principal Investigator for UMIL. Total amount of the grant: 465.846,55 Euro, grant for UMIL: 90.165,89 Euros.
  • Optimization methods and Software for Inverse Problems. Partner. "Programmi di ricerca scientifica di rilevamente interesse nazionale (PRIN2008), 2010-2012. Role: Principal investigator for UMIL. Total grant: 62,879.00 Euros. UMIL grant: 20,179.00 Euro.
  • DuckNeglect. Pilot project with Niguarda Hospital on rehabilitation of Neglect neurological partients, 2009-2011.
  • Defects identification in tyre production through laser scanning. Pilot study financed by ALTA-Lab s.c., 2010, Role: Principal investigator.
  • 3D Local Tomography. Development of an adaptive system for 3D local tomography. Financed by ALTA-Lab, 2008-2009. Several patents have been filed on this, some of which exploited. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Fast 3D edge-preserving denoising in endo-oral radiography. Financed by CEFLA Group s.c., 2009. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Dot removal in digital radiography. Financed by ALTA-Lab s.r.l., 2009. Role. Principal investigator.
  • Inverse problems in Medicine and Astronomy. Partner. Programmi di ricerca scientifica di rilevamente interesse nazionale” (PRIN2006), (DM n.582/2006 del 24 marzo 2006), 2006-2008. Principal investigator of UMILAccelerated local tomography. Acceleration of algebric tomographic reconstruction, through graphics cards. Financed by CEFLA Group s.c., 2008-2009. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • Virtual rehabilitation. Partially funded by "Ingenio" project, Regione Lombardia, 2007.
    Exposure correction in endo-oral radiography. Financed by ALTA-Lab s.r.l. 2007. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • Defects. Automatic analysis and Classification of defects on a Production Line. Financed by Electronic Systems. 2006-2007. Total grant: 38,500 Euros. 2006-2007. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • Assisted Radiography. Automatic and semi-automatic patient positioning. Financed by Gendex Dental Systems. The methodology has been European and US patented, industrially exploited. 2006-2007. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Marc. Quantitative Motion Analysis of Rock Climbers. In collaboration with University of Trento and CEBISM. 2006-2007.
  • 3D Digital Radiography. Local 3D radiography, with general purpose radiographic imaging systems. Financed by Gendex Dental Systems, 2005-2007. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • VIMS (Virtual Micro-surgery). Motion capture of micro-movements. Financed by Dies Group, s.r.l., Roma. 2005-2006. Total grant: 65.000,00 Euros. The methodology has been published, EU patented and industrially exploited. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Digital Vajont. Reconstruction of the geological story of Vajont valley. In collaboration with IRPI-CNR, Padova. 2005-2006.
  • Digital Radiography. Restauration of digital radiographic images. Financed by Gendex Dental Systems. 2003-2005. Role: Principal Investigator.
  • Capia. Calibration of Digital Radiographic sensors. Financed by Gendex Dental Systems. 2004. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Soft Tissue Filtering. Financed by Gendex Dental Systems. The methodology has been European and US and EU patented. 2003. Role: Principal investigator.
  • Robocare. Realization of a multi-agent system for automatic assistance in a clinical environment. Strategic CNR project, 2002-2005. Role: Principal investigator for UMIL and responsible for the acquisition of 3D models.
  • Most relevamt previous projects

    SmartMotion. Realization of algorithms for robust calibrating and tracking of markers in a multi-camera systems. Collaboration with the Motion Capture laboratory of Electronic Arts, Canada. 1999-2001.
    Autoscan. Realization of a 3D digitizer. Financed by Fondazione ProJuventute, Milano, 1996-1999.
    Self-calibration. Calibration of a multi-camera system by using only a rigid bar. Financed by BTS, 1997.
    MotionCapture. Realization of algorithms for calibration and tracking within laboratory environment. Methodology was patented and used by BTS, 1991-1995.

    Last update 23.04.2008