The system is object-oriented and has a built-in geometry knowledge base. Geometric relationships and constraints are specified by messages exchange. The knowledge base is incremental: users can add their constructions, both as new geometrical objects and as new functions to be applied to existing objects.
To download prototype version 2.0
(4.5 MB compressed file).
Dowloading you will get a tar file with the executable for HP 9000 series 700,
including the following files:
The ENV directory contains some examples (you can open them from the OPEN option in FILE menu, without specifing the .env extension).
The AUTOCOD directory is used by the system to put the source code that is automatically generated when the user defines new classes and methods.
Since you will download an executable file, you will not be able to recompile the environment and therefore your user-defined classes and methods will be lost after the session is closed.
If you have the environment EIFFEL 2.3, then you can contact us to get the source code.
To get the source code, please contact