Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione - Università degli Studi di
Via Comelico 39/41 - 20135
e-mail: author-lastname@dsi.unimi.it
Milano, Italy
GEObject is an object-oriented system to interactively model geometric
objects: figures are generated by constructive methods based on
ruler-and-compass paradigm. In this paper we formalise the geometric
constructions and their successive transformations with OBJSA Nets. This
enables us to simulate and test the algorithms implemented in the system to
manipulate the geometric figures. OBJSA Nets proved to be suitable to describe
a complex object-oriented system, where each class is represented by an OBJSA
component. Their composition enables us to describe a generic constructive
process of a geometric figure. We also use the CLOWN formalism to represent the
constructive process of a geometric figure.
june 95, M.A.Alberti, alberti@dsi.unimi.it